
Radfahrer erasst: Lkw-Fahrer in Hamburg zu Geldstrafe verurteilt | – Nachrichten

Radfahrer erasst: Lkw-Fahrer in Hamburg zu Geldstrafe verurteilt | – Nachrichten

Status: 17.08.2024 06:12

The Amtsgericht Altona in Hamburg has issued a Freitag van een Lkw-Fahrer wegfahrlässiger Körperverletzung zu a Geldstrafe of 2,700 Euro. Other muss are a Monat seinen Führerschein-abgeben.

The 49-year-olds have been sitting for a year near the Elbe Shopping Centers a biker about lawsuits and much injury. The biker had luck in the misfortune – he survived. In most cases the judge will find a solution with the greatest advantage, the direction of the verdict.

The cyclist stands on the Heinrich-Plett-Straße and a light said Ampel, he is not in front of his Sattelzug. “I thought it was natural, the lorry has seen me,” said the cyclist before the court.

Multiple node bridges

It’s no different. The Sattelzug marsh in the Osdorfer Landstraße ab, erfasste das Rad und schleuderte de Fahrer zu Boden. It is a matter of the Lkw and erlitt more Knochenbrüche. There has been an intensive drive and it is worth working. Aber das Ganze had not even been able to come up with a schlimmer kommen: Nur wenige Minuten vor dem Unfall saß nor die kleine Tochter des 45-Jährigen mit on dem Rad. It’s just a matter of time in the Kita absetzt.

The Monat Führerscheinentzug can make the cost of your job. After we had said to the Judge: the Führerscheinentzug is no longer so, but the treatises of the Radfahrers were too heavy.

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NDR 90.3 Aktuell | 16.08.2024 | 5:00 PM

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