
Grüner Markt – The Kost.Bar in Baden at 9 years old

Grüner Markt – The Kost.Bar in Baden at 9 years old

For the new years, Nadine Pernjak started at the Gastro-Projekt in Baden. Genuine am August 1, 2015 you can enjoy and enjoy the “Kost-Bar” at the Green Market. Sie übernahm de Markthutte von Ihrer Patentante Gabi Brauchl. After New Year’s Eve in gastronomy in Kitzbühel, a restaurant in Vienna and Letztlich in the Badener Hotel Sacher, it is Schritt in Baden in the self-service kitchen.

Ihre Stammgäste, die sie vom ersten Tag an begleiten, “since my family has become”, refers to the Unternehmerin. “I am a beautiful person, I have been cared for – with the registration fee due to the damage caused by the Corona,” he said. “Nadine is the Best,” said Anneliese Krutzler, who was her first guest on August 1, 2015.

I would love to have the best friends with Maria. “My home has become a great place to live as a guest,” says Frank. When man lives in his work, he is taught his philosophy of life. You can become your best friend. “I didn’t have the same skills,” she remembers. You know all the genealogy with your names.

Moreover, the climate is good under the external environment of the city. “It’s a matter of problems solving problems and problems solving problems,” you say. “Wir since we were special Fleckchen in Baden!” The Unternehmer helps themselves and so the politician can attack Ohr.

Some people have the city marketing in their hands, an Ulli List and a stellvertreter Wolfgang Scheiblauer have a lot of experience. “It is so that Love and Leidenschaft pure and haven schon grimmig something verändert zijn.”

After four years of living in Baden, you are now living in your car. „Everything is a fußläufig zu erreichen.“ It is true that my living environment will be good and with the parks and beautiful homes zu sehen. I am an 82 year old grandmother in Baden and can do everything here. “That is quality of life”, white Pernjak.

Ohne ihre Eltern sei everything has not become possible. “My mother is especially grateful to her mother and the little fairy who always supports her side,” said Nadine Pernjak.

Corona is probably a Wendepunkt gewesen. If you started in the Zeit, you produced your own products: Marmeladen, Ole, Essige, Schnäpse, Aufstriche and Gewürze Power is with your Mutter itself and therefore from the Großmutter hilft mit. “Omis Eierlikör is legendary”, white Pernjak. So the tourists from Germany will be happy to visit and enjoy their own bottles and Marmelain glasses for their entire journey. “That is a great assessment of my products.”

Badener Kost.Bar celebrates 9 years

I believe that the Weihnachten have these own arrangements.

Andreas Fussi

Look back at your own brothers and sisters. Genussplatten zu Weihnachten since der Verkaufsschlager. “I’m 23 and 24. This month I won’t be on the road, that’s my power. I am a Christmas fan!” I work hard for Christmas. “That is the best Time of the Year!”

When I eat a man, dips or pesto machines: “The universe is very simple and fast gehen.” It’s a great combination in life.

In the Donnerstag you will find a fresher Fleischlieferungen (Rind, Schwein, Wild, Huhn), you will see a large palette and lebensmitteln, which is much better than your machine. If you want to determine the price of your mixture, you should never leave, but everything will be sold or sold.