
DFB-Pokal: 1.FC Saarbrücken – 1.FC Nürnberg – 1. FC Nürnberg – Forum | Page 2

DFB-Pokal: 1.FC Saarbrücken – 1.FC Nürnberg – 1. FC Nürnberg – Forum | Page 2

Die 1. Runde im Pokal steht an!
Lange Zeit thought that a man in Franconia would be one of the two Cattle before competing in the Stuttgart Viertelfinal. We went with a good break during the break and won Miro Klose in the first Pokalrunde, Saarbrücken with a home defeat against Sandhausen, after which the first game and neither were the low team.

Anpfiff am Sonntag in Saarbrücken is at 1:00 PM, the game will be broadcast live on Sky Sport 4.

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Duell History:

Saarbrücken gegen the FCN, a game with a erased history bis in the 1940s of the last years of the year. The first regular Pflichtspiel took place on May 21, 1944 in the Viertelfinal of the Deutsche Meisterschaft statt. Of course it is true that that system does not exist, but due to the Angriffskrieg and the fight against the Nazis, there is no longer any legal basis for finding a position. Spielmangel, Reiseprobleme, Ausrüstungsmangel, Bombenangriffe etc. Powers a regulated Spielbetrieb nahezu unmöglich, zdemn nahmen natürlich Vereine teil, deren Kader and Ausrichtung grim nationalist geprägt were and self-intelligible nahmen the large German Territorien and annexes Gebiete wie in Vor jahren teil. Deutscher Meister Wurde der Dresdner SC, der Club Wurde Drittplatzierter nachdem de Gegner HSV Groß Born auf das Spiel um Platz 3 verzichtete.
In the first game Saarbrücken was outplayed with the Club 5:1, in Kader damas a young and smart 19 year old Max Morlock with Tor zur 2:1-Führung, before Willi Werner was a lupenreinen Hattrick-erzielte. Max Morlock played his career in 17 years in the 1. Runde der Deutschen Meisterschaft 1942/1943 for the Club, in the Gauliga 41/42 in November 1941 with 16 years. It says not all, but Riesentalent Max Morlock damals war.

In the context of 25 match matches against Saarbrücken, see the summary below:
11x Sieg-FCS
4x Unknown
10x Sieg FCN
42:46 FCS Torque Ratio: FCN

Our last bet was probably lost last year on the 28th matchday of the 2. Bundesliga 00/01 in the Max-Morlock-Stadion with 0:1, the game in November 2000, 2:2 Unentschieden aus. Allgemein liegt unser letzter Sieg sehr lang zurück, letzter Spieltag der Bundesligaspielzeit 92/93.

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Box news:

Nuremberg failure:
Craftsman, Goller, Emreli
Jander is now for the 2nd League, could also play

Saarbrücken failure:
Thoelke, Uaferro, Multhaup

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Das Spielergebnis is a complete game. A Drittligist is immersed in the Low Height with a Zweitligisten of games and gerade Saarbrücken that in the Verleidingenheit prove more end rucksvoll. Selbst Bundesligisten were not as big as Saarbrücken. I set myself up for my own heart in Kampf. If the tower is filled over time, see 15 minutes longer entgegen if now a snapping Führung. Saarbrücken is the world in which everything is geben and a drucksetzen. If possible, lock the door, we’ll never be able to…

PS: All game information
Möglicherweise regnerisch, am Morgen noch Schauer, gegen Mittag trockener bei angenehmen 19 Grad and a schönen Brise. This wouldn’t be the case, the game and the fans were expensive.


“Bader feiert jeden Nichtabstieg des Glubbs wie een Weltmeisterschaft”

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