
Indian Heilkunst rettet den “Park am See” in Alt Rehse

Indian Heilkunst rettet den “Park am See” in Alt Rehse

In another situation, who thinks about the Ruhestand, the Unternehmerin Gabriele Wahl-Multerer in Alt Rehse sich an Geländes angenommen, who comes from Munich, is a smart Verleidingenheit for our hat. It is a good thing in the NS-Zeit if Kaderschmiede der Deutsche Ärzteschaft serves. “Ein Wellness-Hotel is a hotel that does not exist here in the Gelände”, is what Gabriele Wahl-Multerer is certain. Zwar gibt is dem fast 65 Hektar großen Areaal morere Fassaunen am Ufer des Tollensesees and unterhalb der Yogahalle einen Fitnessbereich “with all, was der Gesundheit serves”, which is the inhaberin formt. Dennoch is the concept of the hotels “Park am See”, which is located in the historical and Swiss core of the areas in the west of the Tollensesee, with a spa that is incomparable.

Insolvenzverfahren überstanden

At the end of 2022, the Amtsgericht Neubrandenburg offered an appeal by Gabriele Wahl-Multerer a long-term restructuring process in the self-management for the Schlosspark Alt Rehse Entwicklungs GmbH. The company can easily cancel these bankruptcy processes. It is a good idea to offer area tourism in the long term, with special attention to the company, which has no long-term economic experience. The Gründe dafür sees Wahl-Multerer, among other things, in the start-up phase and a pandemic as part of a weaker political support for his project. Damit das Unternehmen nicht wieder in schweres Wetter gerät, investiert si more in Gesundheitsangebote, die in their full and Vielfalt dem Park an alleinstellungsmerkmal geben sollen. A new concept can dry up. The Buchungsituation is the summer when things go well. “Wir schreiben schwarze Zahlen, stehen besser da als jemals zuvor”, is Gabriele Wahl-Multerer more observant. With 400 guests calculated in season, the Ayurveda course can last one week out of two.

Erfahrungen bei Kuren in Indische gesammelt

Seit last autumn offers the company this cure and. If you yourself have been conducting a research on the new energy for a number of years, then report Gabriele Wahl-Multerer. If you have an Indian business partner, you can get a lot of knowledge from Germany and the know-how of one of the networks that you can use. The guests enjoy the new concept. Because it is all about the friendship and the zest for life of Indian personals. The communication is mainly in English. The responsible Ayurveda specialist speaks German well.

The half-timbered house with number 17, in the event that the processing continues, is planted in such a way that it can be used for the processing and the connection of a holiday home with this house. Denn Gabriele Wahl–Multerer still cannot get out of the späten 19. 19th century castle dating back to the heart of the park to be renovated and a health centre to be developed there. In total, 100 beds have been planted.