
Akupressur against Kopfschmerzen | Schweizer Illustrierte

Akupressur against Kopfschmerzen | Schweizer Illustrierte

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Because the pressure strengthening is getting better and better, it can first flow out a little bit in the traditional Chinese Medicine (short TCM). If everyone is concerned with the Life Energy Qi (except with “Tschi”), the Meridian in our body flies. If the TCM is satisfied, Meridian can become a best organ-zugeordnet. If you have a problem and want to fill your intestines, you can do this. Where these energy channels are blocked, however, it causes that a certain organ can no longer work properly. The soul of acupressure is then, with the best pressure points that will stimulate and block this Meridian, damn what can help us to prevent flies. Stress can no longer be caused by stress, but the stress decreases and has a positive effect on an unintended Wohlbevind.