
Mostafa Baseri Salehi is still in Asylum

Mostafa Baseri Salehi is still in Asylum

  2. Lennetal
  3. Werdohl

Mostafa Baseri Salehi is still in Asylum
Mostafa Baseri Salehi (left), here in conversation with Dirk Kensche, Lumnije Krasniqi and Daphne Remke from Psychosocialen Zentrum, was smuggled and tortured in Iran. There is no question of taxation of the 45-year-old Iranian. © Teipel

An appeal has been made to a Plettenberger Unternehmen and besucht Gottesdienste der Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Werdohl: Es klingt, as führe Mostafa Baseri Salehi (45) a normal life. When Iranian life begins, it will last years in greater uncertainty.

Werdohl/Plettenberg – In the Geburtsland there are verschleppt, gefügen content and getort worden. The seine fishing has a blessing with the blessing of flight. In the new Heimat, the Psychosoziale Zentrum für Geflüchtete (PSZ) of the Diakonische Werkes has become an increasingly greater support in his new life.

“There is a beautiful place for me, my perspectives are there,” says Bilanz. A major problem is that the TV and radio moderator has caused many more problems. Signal first Asylantrag was abgelehnt. It’s time to take a look at the design process. For a long time the Federal Office for Migration and the Flüchtlinge is no longer suitable. Sein Leben sei weiter in der Schwebe.

Deshalb is socially and psychologically working with the PSZ team for his extended bed rest.

Mostafa Baseri Salehi is converted to Christianity as a 13-year-old. In Iran, it is no longer possible for Glauben to carry out an attack. Journalist career is over, because the Mullah regime has developed. Prison and torture are must experience. If there is an advance for targeting, it has become clear that it happened in the future. It was noticeable that Glück caused his damage by the Iran-verlassende können.

“With 15 people on Lkw-Ladefläche”

About his arrival in Germany he reports: “We were with 15 other people on the loading surface a lorries together. If you want to use a stun- in a forest piece rausgeworfen. The war is dark and calm. It is not that we were there, and the greater the fear.” A useful contact is a final revocation, that is the case in the vicinity of Nuremberg. Then the Odyssey through Germany has begun. It is important that you call on Essen during the processing. When you are home, go to a staufnahmelager in Bochum. Further stations were Cologne and Euskirchen. Mostafa and his friend are very happy with each other. The low age is so great, that friend has withdrawn. You have made a self-made choice and must pay attention in the Krankenhaus. There is a country in the Markische Kreis and it seems that PSZ has a social policy and a psychological approach, one with its clear results. “Ich wurde sehr nett aufgenommen. Alles haben mir viel gehlen”, ert sich remembers.

Extremely stressful experiences

“In Germany people live in the Netherlands, in the Netherlands there are crimes, torture, torture and other forms of violence experienced,” says Daphne Remke, Diplom-Psychologin im PSZ. “There can be many cases of the schlimmen that in one way or another cause a refuge fortress.” Solche extremely stressed ergahrungen can cause high symptoms with schlafstörungen, albträumen and Ruhelosigkeit. “Those affected lead to a conzentrationsstörungen and were incriminating erinnerungen überflutet. The result is often that there is a sense of aggravation and courtesy – and that there is a renewed sense of self-esteem, one’s own Alltag zu bewältigen,” explains the Diploma-Psychology. The PSZ team distributed methodical analyses, a number of clients and clients who stabilized. Psychological and social developments can have an adverse effect.

His Everyday has Mostafa Baseri Salehi back in the grip. The Arbeitskollegen in Plettenberg look neat. There is a way you can enjoy yourself in the Krankenhaus and spend your life on the Silvesterfeier.

The Long Arm of Iranian Regimes

Allerdingsfühle is more about the regime in Iran. “Auf meinem Instagram-Account folgen mirviele Fake-Profile,” said Mostafa Baseri Salehi. If it is Mut, in Germany it is a protest against the Mullah regime.

Now wish is an inständig, it is an anthracite on Asyl in Germany, hereditary is. A funken hope is still available. Finally Mostafa Baseri Salehi has integrated well. No job in Plettenberg has found the Rettungsschwimmer-Schein and settled in a Schwimmbad out. Look at the German knowledge of the Mann from the Iran equipment. When you are concerned with the orientation and the direction of the direction, in the world of the German world, there is a parallel skill that is aimed at and with one of the results of the depreciation. Now possesses is for the Aufenthalt with a B1 certificate. “We must conduct further conversations”, said Lumnije Krasniqi from the Psychosocial Center. The team has not yet reached the courtesy. eb