
First Woman in the Future of the Kassenärzte: Carolina van der Bosch

First Woman in the Future of the Kassenärzte: Carolina van der Bosch

Obwohl man dafürstudieren muss, sieht Carolina van der Bosch den Zahnarztberuf as Handwerk. After my medical school in Freiburg, the common Frankfurter spent years as an expert in a Munich practice. “The Gerüche muss man abkönnen”, gibt die 37 Jahre alte, feingliedrige Frau zu, der man die Herkunft aus Hessen nicht anhört. Aber sie habe die Arbeit in der Praxis geliebt.

This is important for the „Copwork“ in the Kassenzahnärztlichen Vereinigung Hessen entschieden hat, during the Corona-Pandemie and ihrem Sohn. Since you are alone, you must take care of your children. Deshalb zog sie in die Nähe ihrer Eltern, zurück nach Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen. One job for 2021 in the Zentrale der Vereinigung, die unter alles die zhnärztliche Versorgung in Hesse sicherstellt, mit Krankenkassen tradet, die zahnärztlichen Abrechnungen überprüft und die Einhaltung von Qualitätsvorgabenet.

With the sinn für Justice: Mitunter deshalb gehört Carolina van der Bosch from 2025 the Vorstand der Kassenzahnärztlichen Vereinigung in Hesse an.
With the sinn für Justice: Mitunter deshalb gehört Carolina van der Bosch from 2025 the Vorstand der Kassenzahnärztlichen Vereinigung in Hessen an.Drawing Alfred Schüssler

For the first time in the common life of the patient and the sick, there is “extremely positive results” from the past, according to Bosch. Dort schaut man genauer hin, wenn Zahnärzte more abrechnen als Kollegen. It is important to know that your treatment is economical and that your costs and benefits are stimmte. Wenn sie davon überzeugt war, kämpfte van der Bosch für ihre Kollegen und setzte alles daran, Spielräume zu finden und zu utilities.

That time was a journey for a woman, that time was a journey for them

I am committed to working hard in the best way possible. If one of the two systems will be prepared for 2023, we will be happy to discuss this with you in the future. If there is a good quality policy for quality and performance, this is the case. Those Praxes were taken care of, they were also solved. That is always right, message from the Bosch, sanctions are not new.

With the support that was not authorized, that would ensure a high level of protection. These were taken from 40 additional accounts. That’s why the first few women were born, where the day was clear, but now the candidates were ready. The time when we were able to do this: In the medical field since we were studying more and more. At the end of June, you will have the opportunity to have friends with your loved ones: they will be able to enjoy three new homes, one from another relationship and from the Bosch from their reception. Damit habe sie die schlechstromen Chancen gehabt, sagt die Siebenunddreißigjährige. Those who have the best skills in their experiences are always long-term practitioners – who are the leaders Stephan Allroggen and their Stellvertreter Niklas Mangold. Three Wahlgänge were nice, with Van der Bosch maintaining absolute Mehrheit.

Welche Ressorts sie als bislang jüngstes Vorstandsmitglied von Januar an übernehmen wird, ist noch nicht entschieden. Ihr Vorgänger war für die Versorgung ziständig. It is important to know that those who are able to do so will be able to carry out their own plans for their future, remission and provide adequate sanctions for future work.

Die Frankfurterin will also be involved in a German-speaking country, meaning that their entscheidungen will be safe. That’s why work is done at the same time, so it is self-conscious. Ihr Hobby Reiten has been living for a long time, and in the leisure time it is, who sees it, „heaptsächlich Mama“.