
Dürfen Arbeitgeber potenzielle Bewerber google?

Dürfen Arbeitgeber potenzielle Bewerber google?

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Want to know: Do you want to conduct an arbitrage investigation through Google and social media with potential investigative information?

Besides the young people who often lived, their eights were in the social media of their parts. The internet offers no chance. Another insight into the past or the former jobs is a serial task in itself Instagram, X und Co. wouldn’t be worried, or? Schließlich dürfen Arbeitgeber grundsätzlich Informationen erheben, the aim of the Entscheidung für oder gegen an Arbeitsverhältnis erheben sind. Dennoch gilts in Deutschland strict Datenschutzbestimmungen.

We recommend that you consult a Google information

Gibt is a concrete analysis for a research in the research information of Google, can do such a research, inform a Urteil des Landesarbeitsgerichts Düsseldorf (Az. 12 Sa 1007/23), auf das der Federal Journal orphaned.

Handy screen
Grundsätzlich is first Vorsicht geboten beim Teilen des Privatlebens in de social media. Did you put up the tattoos with your sister? (Symbol image) © Zoonar/Imago

I think the Arbeitgeber will clarify the data protection agreements so that the person can inform this data. A certain internet presentation on Karriere platforms who LinkedIn, Xen and Co. can be an asset when carrying out a call on the company.

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Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Co.: Auftritt in social media

A permanent surveillance Dritter is fundamentally excluded by Article 6 of the GDPR. This requires the previous and holiday files. If you choose to date yourself, you can get the chance to use part of the time Facebook– or Instagram-Profile, best an Urteil des Federal Labour Court (BAG) from 24.08.2023

In particular, if the data is first displayed on the next page, is a leisure-oriented network trade, which goes to the most recent analysis, which arbitrage information for an online claim process, informs the Federal Journal.