
Children’s rock band “Heavysaurus” comes from Wuppertal

Children’s rock band “Heavysaurus” comes from Wuppertal

Rundschau: Who joined the band?

Muffin Puffy butt: “We are four dinosaurs and a dragon. There are no more dinosaurs. After all, for 65 million years or so, all life has been destroyed by an asteroid, our egg has been happily sheltered in a mountain in Finland, lying. When everything is at war, mommy can no longer – the Witch Rupuliina – rumgezaubert and will have all the victims. I am a mountain low, so Instrumente rum. It is possible that you buy something and lose. If you have played the goose-tail now, if the war is like that, whatever it is. And so we became the band. “

Rundschau: Where did Du Dir den Bass engrave?

Muffin Puffy butt: “I can’t really say that, I wouldn’t have been so small. Aber ich glaube yes eh, that’s the Instrumente den Musiker. Der Bass hat is a bit ausgewählt.”

Rundschau: Who would like to play with these large pranks on the bass?

Muffin Puffy butt: “I am completely satisfied. Anyway, there is an instrument that plays well. I don’t know anything else about the geese Tag. After all, we are happy to work with Heavy Metal.”

Rundschau: Isn’t it funny for Euch, that I see the only dinosaurs in the world and now I play for the human children?

Muffin Puffy butt: “No, this is a total toll! Man is a real world, for all children. We play so gladly for the denen. It is still a toll, but the only dinos will sin. Sometimes we are quite sad, because we have no cousins ​​or cousins ​​​​anymore. As a band it is super. It is now a dino-heavy-metal-band and however softer, these threads are sin. And I have no mother anymore. But she does not come on stage. There is a thing that happened that is written, but the man is writing a little. “

Rundschau: Who stops Ihr Euch fit für die 190 Konzerte, die ihr im Jahr spielt?

Muffin Puffy butt: “That is not the case. If you jump while you are rum, you may have Blödsinn in Kopf en spielen bis zu drei Konzerte pro Woche. That’s rich.”

If you give a concert, it is a Backstage-Bereich with Verpflegung. Was Gibt’s denn bei Euch behind the stage?

Muffin Puffy butt: “If you visit Mr. Heavysaurus, let a singer hear what all the Pflanzenfresser is. There is a Mammutgulasch. But it is very happy. It is backstage so that it is so essential that the children make it child’s play, it is so verschlingt. Oh, auch Raffi Raffi. I did everything with Milchshake. It is all up to us. Darüber has written a song. We always make songs about things that you can make yourself or experience. A song has appeared in a UFO workshop. It will be another planet that is stranded with our UFO. For luck, go to this workshop, which you cannot repair. Make sure that you have your concert. “

Rundschau: Do you need a trip and a tour bus?

Muffin Puffy butt: “Wir habenboth. Weite Strecken flies the UFO.”

Which song is playing Are you looking for a concert?

Muffin Puffy butt: “That always changes. Zurzeit is es Pommesgabel von unserer noseten Platte. They bring the children to the concert as well.”

Rundschau: Was soll a Pommesgabel sein?

Muffin Puffy butt: “He’s made a lot of money. The best Ronnie James Dino. This is the research on heavy metals. And that’s how it is: Man stretches the Faust in the Höhe, thenn stretches man the kleine Finger and the Zeigefinger. Fertig is the Pommesgabel. It is possible to sing a song and sing the song. “

Rundschau: Do you have a dinosaur tip for kids who want to build a band?

Muffin Puffy butt: “I have dino-star tips for all children, such as a belt that is green or other machen woolen. Das Wichtigste is, liebe Kinder, dass Ihr immer das Kracht, was Euch am meisten Spaßkracht. Now if you man straight Spaß hat, then that was what it was. Aber nature nichts, was Andere verletzt or ärgert. If an instrument plays a woolen instrument, like a friend, who plays a woolen game, and together with him. And it seems that this is not the case. Aber passes auf Eure Ohren auf.”

The Rundschau is redeeming a family ticket (two adults and two children up to 12 years) for the Heavysaurus concert in Live Club Bamen during the “Rabatz & Rabauken Festival” on August 25, 2024.

The question: Who has an arm with a T-Rex?

Bei more richtige Einsendungen entscheidet das Los. In any case, the right path has been closed. Einsendeschluss is August 21, 2024, 11:59:59 PM. Die Gewinnerinnen bzw. Gewinner was notified in writing. Wir wünschen fell Erfolg!


Hint: In the Wuppertaler Rundschau the data of the Wuppertaler Rundschau are used for the exploitation of the Verlosung, not a few weeks later and after the explosion of the great gelöscht. I have to follow the data protection of the Wuppertaler Rundschau procedure.

The cards present the Veranstalter (LCB) for Verfügung. The winner is addressed in writing. When the parts of the game are played, the parts are taken apart.

Gewinnspiel-Verantwortlicher: Wuppertaler Rundschau Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Ohligsmühle 7-9, 42103 Wuppertal Tel. 0202 / 27144-0, [email protected]