
“Sturm der Liebe” – Katharina Scheuba soon in “Grey’s Anatomy”

“Sturm der Liebe” – Katharina Scheuba soon in “Grey’s Anatomy”

  • Katharina Scheuba played “Maxi”
  • They were quick to pick up the game of “Grey’s Anatomy.”
  • Watch the interview

As “Maxi” Katharina Scheuba Ende August comes to “Sturm der Liebe”. The actress no longer plays a medicine, but it is a real life. For a long time they have watched each other, both are strictly applicable to the trennen, as they “Promipool” verrät.

Did you know?

“I have different experiences, both are tren and a bad überlegt, an artist is a meinische person of meiner Schauspiel-Persona of trenen, weil ich auf gar keinen Fall wolllte, thats ich if Ärztin bzw. if Schauspielerin not taken seriously”so Katharina, the double career no longer ended up in the Begeisterung style.

“I can be a part of my play and that I am not so interested in reacting to reading lessons, if I have a first set of both ‘CopStories’, that is why I study medicine. After all, I will be there for a while. I will be happy then. decided, I am sure you will.”

Katharina Scheuba über Krankenhaus-Series: “The best is likely”

Black is some hospital series is not impressed, let Katharina Scheuba do the following: “It’s a bit straight great plays from series, which do that very, very well. ‘Dr. House’ is researched for play and ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ is also very programming. Of course, if you make a selection and create an unacceptable situation, the best of it is plausible.’

Then you betray: I think I’m so bad at the ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Writer’s Room that I can go through a long interview process, a leader who will never leave the world of the pandemic.”

An ungenauigkeit in Krankenhaus-Serie würde Katharina op jeden Fall else machen: When you resuscitate, it’s a classic experience: the man sees a zero line on the ECG and then gets shocked. And that’s not exactly true. A man who doesn’t shock an asystole can undergo a heart pressure massage. This failure was lighter, when the zero line made a room flash on the ECG. If I find that Fernsehen has taken a photo recording and if the resuscitation has been performed correctly, the insurance can be a private half.’

What’s going on with “Sturm der Liebe”? Dort played Erich Altenkopf with Arzt “Michael”. Could Katharina be happy with Tipps? “I am not anyone, but I am alive and well, if I were destroyed, then I would be safe from death.”you declare.

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