
Excursion – Who man Rainwasher on traffic areas efficiently useful

Excursion – Who man Rainwasher on traffic areas efficiently useful

The „KLAR!10vorWien“, which has loaded the municipalities of a Fachexkursion in St. Pölten, has developed a new DrainGarden® project. Soul of the Veranstaltung wars, inspiration and practical ideas in the Use of the DrainGarden® systems of beets. It is a natural system for the Versickerung of upper surface waters, where the head offices in the area of ​​​​street, pillar and parking surfaces are set up.

The Veranstaltung started with an overview of the new Gestalteten Freizeit- und Bewegungsparks Eisberg in St. Pölten, where the Konzept des met 5,000 Pflanzten Areaals and the Regenrückhaltebeckens erklärt wurde existed.

Viewed at the HTL St. Pölten, the outdoor areas are open to the public, where the park floors can be purchased with the DrainGarden®-System that washes the rainwater from the park areas. So it may be that the gepflanzten are shrouded and that the wax has become different for Ort.

The Veranstaltung meets the Teilnehmern a platform for Austausch and for Vertiefung its knowledge in the range of ecological urban and landscape planning. The won projects and projects are successful in developing projects and the development of the green infrastructure in the region.