
Aufatmen in London: Fire at Somerset House eingedämmt

Aufatmen in London: Fire at Somerset House eingedämmt

Brand in Somerset House in London

More historic Ort: the Somerset House. Photo: Tayfun Salci/ZUMA Press Wire/dpa

The Londoner Feuerwehr has a mark in the historic Somerset House eingedämmt. Gegen Samstagmittag war there was a Feuer ausgebrochen – round 120 Feuerwehrleute were in Einsatz. The crew members have abandoned the fire department, saying a Sprecherin am Abend.

The Somerset House, which is located in the Innenstadt and der Themse, is a great place as an art and exhibition center. There are also stories about “The Duchess” and “James Bond”. Der Brand sees a stelle des Dachs ausgebreitet.

Schwieriger Einsatz für Feuerwehrleute

As an alternative to the Bauweise des Gebäudes, there is a herausforderungs issue, such as Deputy Commissioner Keeley Foster. The einsatzkräfte has another 64 meter high threshold. Schon vor Eintreffen der Feuerwehr has lost some Mitarbeiter and Besucher das Gebäude.

Wertvolle Kunstsammlung bleibt verschont

The building is always closed. The Courtauld Gallery thinks that my art collection will fit into the complex whole, as the director of the Somerset House Trust, Jonathan Reekie, says. The art collection was heard as a play on Edouard Manet and Vincent van Gogh.

“It’s a früh, one of the things you can do, but I love the trust in the rescue team, that the damage is now a small part of the trust,” says Reekie. If you go into the fight with the fight in the West, in your entire office and care facilities lie.

The history of Somerset House goes back several centuries. The area is close to Covent Garden, where the Parliament Quarter with the clock tower of Big Ben and St. Paul’s Cathedral is located in the city.

Central building parts date back to the 18th century. The Innenhof is regularly used for exhibitions, in the winter from the Beispiel to Eislaufen. During the war a Breakdance Exhibition was planned, the fight was aborted.

TV pictures with smoke column

There were no alarms at the Feuerwehr entrances. The Rettungsdienst of humanity is highly motivated, the ways of the strong Raucentwicklung can be used by girls. Geschäfte sollten Fenster und Türen schließen. Fire Brigade sollen weiterhin vor Ort bliben. That Brandursache is not clear.

Brand in Somerset House in London

Feuerwehrleute battle against Flammen am Dach. Photo: Tayfun Salci/ZUMA Press Wire/dpa