
Federal Labor Court: Duschen kann laut Gerichtsurteil Teil der Beitszeit sein

Federal Labor Court: Duschen kann laut Gerichtsurteil Teil der Beitszeit sein

If you are of the Arbeit or wash the mussel, you should become an Arbeitgeber-vergütet this time. That has the Federal Labor Court in Erfurt entschieden. A very light arbitrage trade is a question of time, if the Arbeitnehmer in an arbitration is so verschmutst, it will be a question of a private enterprise and another Heimweg that could not be taken over. Washing off Schweiß and refreshing the fluid is then no longer possible.

The complainer is used as a container mechanic in Raum Nürnberg. If you set a transport container or a transport container, the abolition is heard and harmed. This is the way Arbeitgeber has performed the Arbeitskleidung. After the blesser is found, he is washed or showered, before he goes home.

The complainant paid more than 25,000 euros for the Arbeitgeber

Bislang vergütet der Arbeitgeber weder die Zeit zum Umziehen en Waschen nor für den Weg zum Umkleide- en Waschraum. With the blessing, the Mann would provide a Nachzahlung of more than 25,000 Euro for a year.

The Landesarbeitsgericht Nürnberg gives the Mann his right. The large part of the seine fishing can provide a great effort. Make sure the clothes are clean before the door, clean and do not remove the correct time. Letztlich spoke the Landesarbeitsgericht in me then only knapp 2.400 Euro zu.

If the court is angry by the Federal Labor Court, it is one of the most important lawsuits that will win the time for a bet and the non-necessary way to the vergütungspflichtige Arbeitszeit gehearen. It may be that you can take a “short term of the working time”, when this is drawn up in an indefinite time with the own property rights. If you want to know whether the work or the legal hygiene regulations meet your desire, and the ways of the work with gesundheitsgefährdenden substances.

Beseitigung von Schweiß nicht vergütungspflichtig

“Körperreinigungszeiten aber dann zur vergütungspflichtigen Arbeitszeit, wenn sich der Arbeitnehmer bei seiner debteten Arbeitsleistung so sehr verschmutzt, because of a previous cleaning of Körpers im There can be no change in the direction of the aimer.

Demnach has a “super-cleaning” or the Beseitigung von Schweß and Körpergeruch not for the Anspruch auf Vergütung out. In the fall of the Landesarbeitsgericht Nuremberg it is still not clear what the container mechanism will do in shipping and how long it will take to wash or go to sleep.

If the problem occurs, the finishing, maintenance and road work will be carried out differently than the “own” Tätigkeit. Im Streitfall vom Arbeitgeber angeführte Tarifregulations schlössen aine Vergütung nicht aus.