
Eastern German colleges are grim about patent applications

Eastern German colleges are grim about patent applications

Eastern German colleges are grim about patent applicationsThe German East is with a click on the discovery and the sunken Schutz of the idea further inheritance. It is a new study from the German Economic University (IW Cologne) that has read the messages from the Funke-Mediengruppe (Sonntagausgaben). Most German colleges and universities continued to file patents in 2017 and 2021. Konkret meldeten Saxon and Thuringian colleges in diesen Zeitraum 5.1 Patente je 1,000 Studierende en übertrafen damit de bundesweiten Schnitt um more as das Doppelte. Deutschlandweit der Durchschnitt bei Patentanmeldungen bezogen auf 1,000 Students at emptylich 2.0. Hinter Saxony and Thuringia followed Baden-Württemberg (3.2 Anmeldungen per 1,000 Studierende), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (2.9) and Saxony-Anhalt (2.7). The Leistungen der Hochschulsysteme in Saxony and Thuringia are supported by Studienautor and IW Patent expert Oliver Koppel.

There are a large number of previous discoveries from the US patent sector. The German Beitrag Forscher became a demographic overview of the years we returned. “Weltoffenheit ist für Ostdeutschland and seine Hochschulen folglich einer der weightigsten Faktoren, um the active heritage in Patentbereich auch in Zukunft zu können”, so Link with Blick on the bevorstehenden Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia. Zwischen 2017 und 2021 wurden laut der Analyse 19.3 Prozent aller Patentanmeldungen im Hochschulbereich von Erfindern with ausländischen Wurzeln reformbracht. Spitzenreiter at the Patenaktivitäten war die Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg met 23.6 Patentanmeldungen je 1,000 Studierende. Zweitplatzierte was the Medizinische Hochschule Hannover with 13.6 registrations, followed by the Technische Universität Ilmenau with 12.5. The TU Dresden has received a Wert von 9.5. The TU in the war of the Landesshauptstadt between 2017 and 2021 returns with the button on the concrete where the patent right is offered in the longer term. Auf Dresden entfilelen inklusive ausgegliederter Institute der Auswertung zufolge 284,8 Patentanmeldungen. Danach attends the Technical University of Munich and the Rhine-Westphalia Technical University of Aachen at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). With a look at the Bundesländer, Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia (713.6), Bavaria (665.5), Saxony (498.5) and Hesse (334.2) are hereditary. The relative Stärke der East-German Universitäten erklärt IW-Experte Link for everything with the traditional stärkeren techno-naturwissenschaftlichen Ausrichtung. “These innovations from tradition are located in the high fortress of the colleges, which in the East German country play a German greater role in Forschung, Entwicklung and patent filings and those in the Zielvereinbarungen of the college personnel affairs that play a major role,” says the Patent-Fachmann. Insgesamt were zwischen 2017 and 2021 165 deutsche Hochschulen patentaktiv, were also a minimum a patent notification beteiligtung. Lediglich fünf der patentaktiven Hochschulen befanden sich in privateer Trägerschaft, so the Study. They were state-run high schools for 97 Prozent aller Patentanmeldungen verantwortlich.

Photo: Bücher in a Bibliothek (Archiv), über dts Nachrichtenagentur