
Josef Newgarden is looking for Rotphase trotz eines Drehers!

Josef Newgarden is looking for Rotphase trotz eines Drehers!

Josef Newgarden (Penske-Chevrolet) concluded a turbulent IndyCar Series oval race with his second 2024 season after the Indy 500 at the World Wide Technology Raceway (formally known as Gateway Motorsports Park) in St. Louis.

After a victory for Newgarden – the 31st winner IndyCar career, where Paul Tracy, Dario Franchitti and Helio Castroneves have a good hat – is a long time no longer available. First right not, as Newgarden well 60 rounds before the end and second places driving a three last.

PHOTOS: IndyCar in St. Louis

Started the 260 Rennrunden on the 1.25-Meilen-Oval course after 5:30 PM Ortszeit (0:30 AM MESZ). Ins Ziel goes to a spaten Rotphase first race after 8:00 PM Ortszeit (3:00 AM MESZ). Abgesehen von der Wähnten Rotphase gab es sechs Gelbphaseen. Trotzdem goes to a whole range of Green-Flag-Stops.

EVENT: IndyCar in St.Louis

McLaughlin on Pole – Grid penalty for Palou, Dixon and Co.

Scott McLaughlin (Penske-Chevrolet) went with his four in the Saison of the Pole in Rennen. I qualify during the qualifying because it is so that everyone will meet the Shank-Team-colleagues Felix Rosenqvist and David Malukas. Rosenqvist after the war of one of the insgesamt four drivers, who gives a motor vehicle a grid penalty.

Next to Rosenqvist (P11 in the starting grid) were the other three who had to hint at the new starting grid: Table Leader Alex Palou (P16), his Ganassi Team colleague Scott Dixon (P19), and Katherine Legge (Coyne-Honda; P27). When he started with Colton Herta (Andretti-Honda) he got a hint of P25. In the autumn war a crash in the qualifying of the Grund.

Polesetter Scott McLaughlin started the race with David Malukas (Shank-Honda) on the front row. Malukas would be in second position by the second lap, and black from McLaughlin’s Penske Team colleague Will Power. And Josef Newgarden was appointed by Penske-Chevrolet as president of Druck.

If the gel phase is in the eights of the 260 Runden, then the power of the zweiten Stelle is zu verdrängen. The first phase of the war is a war between field workers Ed Carpenter (Carpenter-Chevrolet) and Katherine Legge.

Shortly after the restart, both Malukas and power found a way and polesetter McLaughlin vorbei. If the Malukas are in debt with the power, then go straight to work with Gelb. In this autumn war, a Collision took place in the midfield of the Grund.

Verwickelt were Kyle Kirkwood (Andretti-Honda) and both Juncos-Pilots. After the war Rinus VeeKay (Carpenter-Chevrolet) aimed directly at Kirkwood to take up the fight, in the offshoot of his career. Daraufhin is about a Kettenreaktion.

Different Strategies in the Field

Beim tweets Restart wars with Will Power, I am the best in the group comb. There was David Malukas who led off. At that stage Scott McLaughlin and Josef Newgarden were the direct hint to Malukas in Stellung transferred.

The idea is that McLaren driver Patricio O’Ward will solve the technical problems and his Chevrolet triebwerk will do with the Segel. If you are in Honda-Lager, there is a technical problem. So it was a später in Rennen allen by Andretti driver Marcus Ericsson with a defense in Motorumfeld.

The first routine box stop is from the Spitzen group in the 60. Runde here a green einglegt. When a group has left a group, the first gel phase goes to the first Box stop there. The group has “of course” ended up on the grid penalty as Scott Dixon (Ganassi-Honda) started in P19.

A crash of IndyCar rookie Kyffin Simpson (Ganassi-Honda) drove in the 86. Run for the third gel phase. While the Top 8 remained on the Strecke, everyone else and the Box came. I started at Dixon starting a P16 team college, the tafelführer Alex Palou, his group, which was on the strategy of the Spitze.

Beim Restart go with Will Power continue in the pace ahead. After David Maluka had got the second position of Scott McLaughlin, it is a fact that he goes the other way. Malukas’ director Verfolger war nun Josef Newgarden.

The second box stop of the Spitzengruppe has drawn up a plan at 120. Runde hereum unter Grün. In the half of the 260 Runden-Distanz the war between Boxenstopp and Durchgang passed, in the Reihenfolge Will Power, Scott McLaughlin, David Malukas, Josef Newgarden and McLaren pilot Alexander Rossi, who had a verpassen Rennen (Daumenbruch in Toronto-Training) as a comeback gab.

Dreher von Newgarden on Verfolgung von McLaughlin

There are three routine box stops for the Spitzengruppe under Grün. When Scott McLaughlin, a Will Power vorbeizukommen, has come to close the stop, he joins in a convenient place. And Josef Newgarden combs a Power vorbei. Sometimes it goes with a Dreifachspitze for the Penske team in the separated phase. David Malukas war leader Follower of the Penske Trios.

In the 196. of the 260 laps that the Oval specialist Josef Newgarden made a Dreher on the Verfolgung of Spitzenreiter Scott McLaughlin. The passion in turn 2 at the overrundung of Tabellenführer Alex Palou. Mit Glück and Können will make a purchase for Newgarden with the stretch limit, nor with another vehicle.

Tatsächlich lost Newgarden with the Dreher nur two Positionen. The one with the best gel phase quickly ended up in the Spitzen group of the Boxenstop, from two pilots to the next: Will Power and David Malukas.

Folgerichtung führte Power den Restart vor Malukas an. Have McLaughlin and Newgarden attack the Gruppe with fresh reifs and full tank. Gut 50 Runden were zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch zu fahren.

For power and malukas it is a challenge to get a large part of the power in your hands, nor necessary boxenstops. Do it differently. Only a few rounds after the restart first Malukas under Grün and the Box, without you getting the Power.

Crash von Malukas in Zweikampf with Power

So war is still with 40 Runden on the Uhr with Scott McLaughlin, the battle and the fight against Josef Newgarden, who Dreher de facto a Consequences bleeb. There is a delay in the air, that both nor a fuel stop a single time can refuel. Unter Grün würde dieser wastvolle Zeit kosten. The theme is completely insofar, it is in the 240. of the 260 Runden nogmal Gelb gab.

At the end of the Start/Ziel-Gerade, David Malukas found himself, Will Power of the four Position zu verdrängen. Be sure to take care of both vehicles. The war was a crash of Malukas with the Heck-seine #66 Shank-Honda in the second stretch boundary of Turn 1 – for the strong Penske-Rivalen!

McLaughlin, Newgarden and a few others used this Gelbphase for my last Boxenstopp. It is not possible that there are a few liters of liters that are filled, but there are still more things that are needed. The individual data: Newgarden has McLaughlin in the Boxengasse herein hinted, before he comes out of this heraus.

Crash with Rossi and Power at Spatem Restart

Beim Restart with no new run yet in Josef Newgarden’s run for Scott McLaughlin and the qualifying crash of P25 start Andretti-Piloten Colton Herta. Will Power war trotz der Berührung met David Malukas weiterhin Vierter, Alexander Rossi war Fünfter. But the restart went horribly wrong.

Leading rider Newgarden wasted a long time, until he went on the gas. While on the first three positions everything was stripped, for Alexander Rossi on Will Power up. Both forces in the Boxenmauer, Rinus VeeKay could not stay away, the Rennen could not go further.

Table-führer Alex Palou hated big amounts of money, while Crash never kept up with the times with Power and Rossi. We can give more clues to Nolan Siegel (McLaren-Chevrolet) and Jack Harvey (Coyne-Honda) in the second series limits.

Before you make the separation, you can keep the Restart Crashes informed of a few minutes with rotten. At the last Restart was only six rounds to drive. Josef Newgarden fought against Scott McLaughlin and Colton Herta. In addition to Alex Palou as Ganassi-Speerspitze and one of the team colleagues: IndyCar-Rookie Linus Lundqvist.

Newgarden found McLaughlin – Strafe against Herta

And that little blow from the restart. Newgarden is the best way, McLaughlin is now late. Herta will certainly keep the current position, then be in a tight position by pushing Lundqvist, directly before restarting with Palou cashier. Part of the journey you are following is no longer visible.

Josef Newgarden brought trotz Dreher seinen zweiten Saisonsieg after the Indy 500 ins Ziel. Scott McLaughlin had to start from Pole with P2 zufriedengeben. Linus Lundqvist became the best Rookie at the Platz in Ziel.

Colton Hertas Aufholjagd vom 25. Startplatz is located on the fifften Platz. I am the fastest of the Andretti pilot in a fight for Blocken from the Schlussduell.

Dadurch is Alex Palou in the Endergebnis on P4 after he was arrested and how he saw Will Power’s crash in the table guidance, nor further if he is not exhausted. Discussion: Scott Dixon’s abweichende Strategie was diesmal nicht von Erfolg gerkrönt. The Rennen have come out of the Top 10 on P11.

Conor Daly fährt Saison anstelle von Canapino zu Ende

At Juncos Hollinger Racing, the Week of the Followers was busy with the presentation of Agustin Canapino. Conor Daly drives the #78 Juncos Chevrolet at all the happy races of that season.

In St. Louis Daly went to a stand in the team, where he could now go over the gloss. The qualifying castle is busy as Zwölfter with the various grid penalties on the new starting platz. Juncos-Teamcollegiate Romain Grosjean started as Sechster.

I think Daly was such an innocent Grosjean and the Kollision, although the second Gelbphase was auslöste. If Rinus VeeKay takes the lead over Kyle Kirkwood in Rudern Kam, both Juncos-Pilots can follow the direct hint to Kirkwood, while Chance goes to Ausweichen.

Next, it is directly at the end of the week, and heavy with the last Rundkurs-Rennen of the season. On Sunday (25. August) the Portland International Raceway was driven. I have started writing the Ovalrennen on the IndyCar-Calendar 2024.