
Rangliste said, in Welcher Stadt Italiens man am leckersten isst

Rangliste said, in Welcher Stadt Italiens man am leckersten isst

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It is a fact that it is a matter of life, it is a bad thing. For Italy, a simple one-Euro-oriented goal of the best Essen.

Italian – When an Italian thinks, his head becomes wet and warm. Selbstverständlich dare dare aber auch das Essen nicht fehlen. Italian cuisine is served in another part of the world. Were you comfortable with your Italian pizza and pasta? It is possible that you know the best Pizzeria or the best Pasta Recipe in the world. What is your best Italian Essen?

Italian City on the Platz eins: Magazine listet City with the best Essen der Welt

Das Magazin für Kultur, Unterhaltung und Veranstaltungen Time-out hat im Mai das Ranking “The 20 best cities in the world for food right now” published. Darin became 20 Stadt, in the best Essen gibt, aufgelistet. Bei der Bewertung beispitelsweise Michelin-Sterne keine Rolle, fully the quality and ingenious Preise, writes Grace Beard of Time-out.

    An aerial view of the city of Naples and the sea in Italy
Lots of history and delicious dishes: A city in Italy where its city with the best food is spoiled. © IMAGO / Wire material

If a resident is fragmented, his life will be after the cheapest and best Essen in his Heimatstadt district. If you do not have any price-performance ratio, you can visit your favorite restaurants and restaurants. City with the desired points can be sorted and now the best city is a country for the ranking that is viewed.

In general, it is so that the city of Naples in the Italian kitchen in Sachen Pizza on the first Platz is invested. Tourists like the city in Scharen auf and could not find the located and world-famous excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum in the volcanic Vesuv. And in the future, even their pizzerias were absent from a visit. The title for the best Pizza Europe is all available in a neighboring country.

The Geburtsstätte of Pizza: Neapels Ein-Euro-Pizza spreads on the ersten Platz

The residents of the city have selected the best street food option “Pizza a Portafoglio” (in German: Pizza for money). And that’s another, hobener Pizzen gibt. That’s special: This is the perfect “grab-and-go” meal – a perfect pizza piece, which is perfect for a European holiday. Laut Food Blog it is a great place to buy the city. Many pizzerias are willing to prepare a meal in eight years. A Luik beispielsweise im Universitätsviertel der Stadt.

If a man from Essen comes from Italy, he should speak to a man from Neapel, shave beard in the first place of the Italian city. “A man cannot eat more than Neapel without eating pizza,” he said. “The Neapolitan cuisine is characterized by diversity, enjoyment and enjoyment in the country, sights and history,” says author Gabriela Proietti from Neapel, author of the Magazines.

Essenskultur en jeder Straßenecke zu find: Neapolitaner schwärmt von weiteren Posts

The essence of the essence is that the Straßenecke is found so that the Tellern voll Pasta alla Genovese and Neapolitan Ragù bis hin zum morgendlichen Zuckerrausch door mit Ricotta vollte Sfogliatella or Rum-Babas is. And the pizza is, however bad the arrangement is, an indispensable component of this culture. Pizza would be eaten in Germany and when it is quick and muhelos are to be eaten, then many would also like to go for Tiefkühlpizza. A renowned production is one of the best assortments.

It is indeed a wonder, that is another city of Neapel in Sachen Pizza that can be more delicious. This is the best in your Geburtsort. “A’pizz” is laut Time-out in Neapel inherited. They are never worth a billion dollars to the city’s building class. A dennoch, it is a manchmaal a strict rule, was as Belag rauf and was nicht. So man listens to the Heimat der Pizza of the Pizza Hawaii and everything else. Also other “Pizza-Verbrechen” erhotzen in Italy mitunter schon mal die Gemüter. (gel)