
Zehntausende von Polen landeten in the Gulag, where the Grauen are therewartete

Zehntausende von Polen landeten in the Gulag, where the Grauen are therewartete

«Nach der Befreiung» Poland During the Red Army in 1944, the philosophical Barbara Skarga was murdered, tortured and tortured in Russian-Soviet labor battles with a «besseren Menschen». If there is a war, die in the Weiten des Ostens «verschwanden».

Prisoner in Workuta, one of the infamous pilsners of the gulag, 1945.

Prisoner in Workuta, one of the infamous pilsners of the gulag, 1945.

Laski Diffusion/Hulton/Getty

Barbara was a fun-loving summer leader. The sun shines brightly from Himmel. A heisser tag is used. I am of the opinion that the student of political philosophy is completely separate from a party. Mitte 1944 schien der Zweite Weltkrieg schon fast zu Ende zu sein.

If you no longer have a handbag over the debts and have the power over the way to your work, with the gemeinsam that are in the political world, the German occupier is tormented. But dort warteten schon die «Befreier» auf sieg.

There may be a problem with the Russian secret service of the NKVD. Der Vorwurf: If the political fascists work with the German collaborators. If it’s been a year, they’ve been in the gulag for years and a few years later in one of the most Siberian-kolkhose businesses, they’ve never been so old.

From 1956 onwards he dared to go to the House, but not in Lithuanian Vilnius, where he had his yellow – that is, in the Soviet Union -, below Warsaw in Poland, that is, as a satellite state Moscow behind the iron curtain, had not been much better either.

Barbara Skarga

Barbara Skarga

Barbara Skarga Erben

Origin of the sword

The first year that Barbara Skarga’s new philosophy professor makes her debut in the Russian language, the Penalty for Political Affection and the Wirtschaftlich, inefficient Kolchose aufzuschreiben. But after the “Time of Gross Terrors” the “Time of Gross Fears” did not return for many years after Stalin’s death. Vierzig Jahre nach Kriegsende, noch keine Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit was published in Poland in 1985. We will de Zensur verstösst, landet in Gefängnis. Across the Russian territory, the Hunderttausende Poles, Lithuanias, Latvians, Estonians and Ukrainians are among the most common Schweigen.

That changes Skarga 1985 fell Ortsnamen und Details, die verrat en erneut ins Gefängnis nichten nichtten. They publish their memories under a pseudonym and in a Polish exilverlag in Paris. Life in the Russian-Soviet Gefangenschaft is bitterly sarcastic with the official propaganda slogan of the Regimes: «Nach der Befreiung».

About the concept of the “zweiten Umlauf”, there is no official book market in the communist People’s Republic of Poland, come to the book after Poland back and get to know the intellectual circles. After the “Archipelago Gulag” of the Russian scribes Alexander Solschenizyn from 1973 and the prepared zuvor im Exil erschienenen Zeitzeugnis “Welt ohne Erbarmen” (1953) by journalist Gustaw Herling-Grudzinski ist the book “Nach der Befreiung” of the first major work of a woman, who years in the gulag and in exile from the world.

After the political change in Poland in 1989 and the first free time in the Ostblock in June 1990, the book was opened in several years to a few names Skarga and ohne the first notnauwen Ortsnamen-Camouflage. Now that the Kolchose heisst nach wie vor «Budjonowka» – veldleicht zum Schutz der Menschen, de dor nor immer leben müssen.

Since the Überfall Russlands auf die Ukraine on 24. February 2022 since Skargas Erinnerungen wieder hochaktuell. They said that the Ukrainian and Ukrainian ‘nach der Befreiung vom Faschismus’ had disappeared. Nun kann man ihr Buch auch auf Deutsch lesen. The Hamburger Verlag Hoffmann and Campe are an example of the Polish-Belgian philosopher Alicja Gescinska in its program. “Vieles von dem, was Skarga written hatte, ist auf schmerzliche Weise wiedererrecogninnbar”, writes Gescinska im Vorwort. «The Russian Rhetoric about the Nottitude, the Nachbarland vom Faschismus zu befreien.» Ausserdem: Hunger as Waffe, Deportationen, de Evacuierungen are generated. Scheinreferenden and Scheinwahlen. «Skarga schrieb, wie is de war, en de parallel zur heutigen Zeit sind nicht zuonderzoek», so Gescinska.

In the “false army”

The Soviet Vilnius in the year 1944: The Schlimmste für die 25-year-old Philosophy student in Barbara Skarga ist die im Gefängnis allgegenwärtige Angst vor Gewaltigung, Torter, Schmerzen, Hunger und der fortschreitenden emotional abdominal exercises. Because of the smell of people, it cannot be washed regularly. Der eigen Körper nimmt de für Sowjetgefängnisse typical Geruch von Exkrementen, stinkendem Schweiss and dem sich zersetzenden Menstruationsblut of über zwanzig Frauen in one of the Zelle an.

For a year there is no cotton wool, no toilet paper, no soap. If you keep an eye on the woman, there is a Bottich Wasser for the day you need. The food is best made from a thin soup with a few kohlrabi or carrot pieces, but without every fat. If the woman is still not a woman now and through the long breath, most nights will be apathetic or hysterical. Remember: Night and night sets at all the menstruation out – a smell less.

Skarga is 37 years old when the time finally comes – the year after the «Liberation by the Red Army» – back to home. It is 65 years ago that your inner tension runs out. The Grande Dame of Polish philosophy, which is normal with the French and German positivism auseinandersetzt, paints extreme situations. Smelly and refused hygiene is part of the treatment. With the time they zesetzten the human worth and self-esteem. The stinking smells began, themselves to elicit.

This Leitmotiv from Selbstverachtung, Ekel and Gestank is seen throughout the entire book. Although the peculiar work and text was published as “Faschistin” and “Collaborateurin mit de Deutschen”, the message is the first piece. The conspiring Heimatarmee (Armia Krajowa or AK), in the country where the German Besetzer has gone mad, war for the Russian Soviets with the «falsche Armee», the AK on the Order of conservative political exile in London. The “Richtige Armee” hinged on the war for the Russian-Soviet Secret Service of the Polish People’s Armee (Armia Ludowa or AL), the fall of the German armed forces, aber the Order from Moskau hörte.

The associative method that irritates the beginning of reading, nur Anfang and the end of the books on the chronological chronology of the existing history, the authorization will probably be such that thematic action is taken. So raise the Chapter: «Der Alltag – das Gefängnis», «Das Hospital», «Die Arbeit», «Der Alltag – das Lager», «Die Liebe», «Theater und Schauspieler», «Budjonowka», «Die Grenze» . Dadurch gibt is kaum wiederholungen, obwohl Skarga in zwei gefängnissen einsitzt, in mehreren Strafarbeitslagern of the gigantic Gulag-Systems and am End nor in hour Leben in a Siberian Kolchose first muss.

Reading a book is a big puzzle that takes up the chronology of history of a full-fledged picture. But das Buch ended abruptly in the Polish-Ukrainian border crossing Medyka-Przemysl. It is a fact that the man is no longer in trouble, while the 37-year-old Skarga in his nunmehr kommunistische Nachkriegs-Warschau more starts up.

Black documentation

The Warsaw Karta Foundation has 570,000 Poles, who were exterminated in one of the Second World War Repressions of the Soviet regimes. “My husband Zygmunt Gluza and I opened the ‹Ost-Archiv› in 1987”, reports the founder Alicja Gluza. “The beginnings were very difficult. Everything that is war with a secret and a plot is in the real-socialist People’s Republic of Poland a forbidden war, the war is broken and brought about.” If you want to form a different bond in the long term: “That is the index of repression.”

During the political walk in Poland 1989/90 the Gluzas, many friends and legal interests are taken care of, and there was contact with the Russian Foundation Memorial, a commemorative meeting and a festive sale of “im Osten verschollenen Polen” klären. “Of course, the index is integrated into digitization and for your interesting interests”, so Gluza. «Contact Barbara Skarga.»

There is a steep, wendeltreppe-renter and a soul-sicker in a book from one of the regale: «Here! That is the Erstausgabe von ‹Nach der Befreiung›.” You extend the weapons: «This is all that happened, Memoirs, Tagebücher, Briefe and Photos from the East. Not everyone enjoys happiness, the Gulag or the banishment of Siberia.” In total there were 20 million people. Look how storben. “Wir think here about thinking and thinking about the question,” said Gluza. «Auch das von Barbara Skarga.»

Barbara Skarga: Nach der Befreiung. Aufzeichnungen aus dem Gulag 1944–1956. About the Niederländischen von Bärbel Jänicke. Verlag Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 2024. 516 S., Fr. 41.90.