
Joseph Goebbels’ Villa am Bogensee is sold

Joseph Goebbels’ Villa am Bogensee is sold

Joseph Goebbels built his private villa on the Lake Bohemia north of Berlin in 1939. After the war left the GDR, the expansion for his own purposes became a fact.

The evil villa of the Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels in the Areal am Bogensee near Wandlitz.

The evil villa of the Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels in the Areal am Bogensee near Wandlitz.

Patrick Pleul / DPA

Two, three days ago you can travel by bus to the «Bildungsstätte Bogensee» station, four kilometers north-east of Berlin. The hölzerne Haltestellenhäuschen knackt in der Sonne. Einem Schild-kleben Neo-Nazi-Aufkleber met Frakturschrift. For heavy use, treading grass is not recommended. Die Stämme hoher Bäume schaben und de Dachkanten, und Büsche wuchern vor den Fassaden.

If you want to leave nature in the Stück Land for a year, the Stadt Berlin will suffer a loss. The Berlin Finance Senator Stefan Evers spent a few weeks in the Abgeordnetenhaus that held the Satz meeting: “Jedem, der geände übernehmen möchte, ich an, escadeaut vom Land Berlin zu übernehmen.”

Seither kommen Interessensbekundungen aus all Welt. Spiritual Zentren, private American Deutschland-Fans and Menschen, who are interested in an Abenteuer-Campingplatz in the historical Waldeinsamkeit, report themselves. Der Haken: Only one of the Gebäude-Ensemble with the über 40,000 Quadratmetern Nutzfläche for further damage to bewahren, but still more than one hundred thousand euros.

It is wise to think and clean up. The costs were estimated at 350 million euros. Money, that the city of Berlin does not care about. Money, that is not invested in the research, is part of the past. So it was Stefan Evers, CDU city politician and retired mayor, who did not bring Wählern to attention.

The GDR transcends

Was the beschaulichen Bogensee rotten, ist a Monument der Erinnerung and two Dictatorships. In 1939 the «Waldhof» of Joseph Goebbels was erected, in the NS-Propaganda Minister who sent out the popular resistance and the wars by the Kommandozentrale Ausgebaut Wurde stormed, but not one of the great prestige projects of the GDR: the Jugendhochschule of the FDJ. Here the personal framework of the SED and state security could be outlined.

I go to the critical two ideologies of the sprichwörtliche Weise die Klinken in de Hand. Bald after the Russians had built and plundered the Goebbels-Villa, the Haus Seminare would have received a new political order zum ideologisch. With the GDR border in the year 1949, the guilt of the German Kaderschmiede was taken over.

The future of the new state in view, was grossly thought and bare nor larger built. Walter Ulbricht, General Secretary of the Central Committees of the Party, power of the Angelegenheit zur Chief Sache. There were no Billiges, but there were representatives of a “Think of Socialism”. The own-hand design is the previous Greek temple on the building construction of the architects. Mitten im Wald bei Wandlitz is a bit out of the blue in the Bau before the Berlin Stalinallee.

If the companies, the stockworks hohen and jeden cost-saving expenditures spenstisch over the bäumenstehen, fühlen sich nicht wenige and the nationalsocialist Reichsparteitagsgelände von Nürnberg remembers.

In the third year, like Joseph Goebbels in the Bogensee, people talk about the new Reichsautobahn, which is a little after Stettin, excited about it. Then they wind themselves small Strassen and seen entlang, bis man now nor über Forstwege weiterkommt. The Minister for People’s Choice and Propaganda is a more ideal Rückzugsort.

Die Hauptstadt Berlin donates Goebbels 1936 in Blockhaus am Bogensee. Made more practical in the land of the Stück since 1913. In November 1936, the minister wrote in his Tagebuch: «Here I am a human being, here I can send my message. The Wald duftet, and it is klirrt for Kälte.» Ebenfalls am Bogensee, all things clean during their stay, Goebbels notes: «These Judenpest must have been exposed. Ganz and gar. Davon has no idea what it is.”

Dreissig Räume and a Kinosaal

The Blockhaus in the Wald is with the Kreativzone politician Hassreden, but also to the Liebesnest. With the actress Lida Baarova the minister abandoned his business in 1938 when Hitler himself fell. Goebbels sits on the Obersalzberg. Gemeinsam with the wife Magda and the mothers of four children are who play the German Vorzeige family.

That they are in one house among others, that Goebbels in analogy to Hitler’s Berghof «Waldhof» nennt. Grossflächig was embraced by the Landschaft für ein Projekt in 1939, the infrastructure Notnauwkeiten in der Gegend new since. Strassen must become new angels and plastered. Leitungen sind zu shy. Neun Kilometer Zaun omgeben schliesslich das Waldgrundstück.

The stately Villa was built in the Heimat style, the architectural-aesthetic signature of the time, and how there are no triple Räumen nor a Kinosaal. It is a service building with four-tiered Zimmern and large garages. In Inneren der Villa everything is nationalsocialist standards. Der Minister liess sechzig Telefone installierieren. Zum See his electrically adjustable Fenster. A playful feature film that contains Führungskräfte. Hitler hated the Obersalzberg and Reich Economic Minister Hermann Göring in his home a few kilometers from Bogensee entfernten Refugium Carinhall.

Under the «Back-up of important military measures» the Linde company should be more dear to the Weinkeller and its own beer cooler. A machine for a great holiday and its own Blätterteig-Kühltisch were also purchased, with Stefan Berkholz in his little detective book “Goebbels’ Waldhof am Bogensee” party. The finances were about the power of the ministers, while the secular sector took the road, the explosive costs that were shifted and the state budgets were postponed.

The downfall is coming

Goebbels war with a propagandist signalman himself. As president of the Reichskulturkammer one could make careers or zerstören. The forest became the vibrant center of this power. The schauspielerische growth of the NS film industry lets the Fahrt float in the bird world, one of the parties and film prince of the ministers is their thing.

The Deutsche Wochenschau worked here between 1940 and 1944 through PR-Profi Goebbel’s sister company. Zwischendrin liefen who had fun children’s homes, the roads of the Bombenalarme über Berlin were always happier in the Waldhof. The Villa was furnished with command center. We were able to make technical improvements at the Bogensee. Zwischen Dekadenz und Depression taumelt de Villen-Idyll schliesslich dem Untergang entgegen.

Hermann Göring arrived on January 30, 1945 in Gut Carinhall and with a bunch of wagons full of furniture and valuable textiles headed for Berlin. A day later followed in the propaganda minister with the family. The end of the war is terrible. On May 1, 1945 Goebbels began to murder children with Zyankali. Then a woman who has put Frau Magda on her way to suicide.

Look at the name of the Waldhof, then you see a man, what a word says. During the rusting of the concrete slabs in front of the villa on the grass. The house-high roundabouts only seem to be dredged, everything in Besitz zu take. The interior of the Waldhofs has never been touched by the GDR, but in 1946 the houses have become increasingly larger.

The bruchlosigkeit of the installation of an authoritative system in another steht wie een Denkmal zwischen de Bäumen. Here a man can in a vergangheit-herumstreifen, the man cannot be begreifen. The dogmatic Selbstradikalisierung of the East German Communism has a Grundstück-stattgefunden, the warning is more than ever. Aber gewarnt war no one here.

Brutstätte for terror

The former FDJ-Hochschule is part of the unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft der Villa von Joseph Goebbels am Bogensee.

The former FDJ-Hochschule is part of the unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft der Villa von Joseph Goebbels am Bogensee.

Jürgen Ritter / Image

In the protzigen FDJ-Hochschule, the faculty of the framework mitglieder can be in a lower content. It is a rundum from Stacheldrahtzäune. Besuche were verboten. Special Geheimhaltung longs for the circumstance, that is here Freiheitskämpfer aus aller Welt protected wurden. From the Palestinian PLO via the Namibian Swapo to Nelson Mandela’s ANC. At the end of the GDR powers, the Schüler were transported to Berlin as loyal Jubilee columns.

1981 said that the Ausbildungsmaschine am Bogensee once sped up. The war of the West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt with a state decree for a press conference in the FDJ Lektionszaal is raging. Everything war-fresh getuncht. Später fand man in the basement a private property of the veranstaltung einrichting Stasi-Abhorzentrale. Those for extended functions can still not function in the new years.

In the FDJ college the GDR is described in its current state.

In the FDJ college the GDR is described in its current state.

United Archives / Image

It may be that the ensemble in the Bogensee is far from being a Lost Place of History. No one will take the Grundstück seriously with the since 1999 Denkmalgeschützten Gebäuden. Wenn man fallslight of a Reichsbürger-Trüppchen name «Königreich Deutschland» absieht. Because there is an identity, man himself as Kulturverein aus.

The Berlin financial senator himself proposed an Abriss and a renovation of the areas in the Raum. It costs 50 million euros, but most of the prices come from the property of Goebbels-FDJ-Areal der nahegelegenen 25 000-Einwohner-Stadt Wandlitz vermachen.

If you sleep and drink the hamburger, there is another way to cook. If the Hauptstadt can not vote the costs, who then Wandlitz?

What remains? As a training base for the Bundespolizei’s Häuserkampf, an unsatisfactory experience is in the game. One of the most beautiful sights, other dreams of a high-end holiday paradise at Lake Bogen. An incorrect representation of the description will not occur here.