
6 Massnahmen helps, the risk for her health-care-recognizance zu senken

6 Massnahmen helps, the risk for her health-care-recognizance zu senken

In Germany money fell in health care. Trotzdem bleibt de Effizienz auf der Strecke. In the European perspective, the guarantee of life is now in the middle and has therefore become light.

Was it “Gesundes-Herz-Gesetz”?

The “Gesundes-Herz-Gesetz” is the prevention and treatment of herz-kreislauf-erkrankungen verbessern.

Es umfasst verschiedene Maßnahmen:

  • Frürekennung van Risikofaktoren: Children regularly play with high cholesterol does not work. So it can be genetically determined that the cholesterol is removed from the body and treated.
  • Health checks für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene in Apotheeken und Arztpraxen sollen Fettstoffwechselstörungen und Other Cardiovaskuläre Risiken frühzeitig recognise.
  • When the risk factor is determined, this is clear for the processing of Medicines Who Statins, the cholesterol level is crazy.
  • For patients with the best health care benefits, they are structured Entry program make sure you spend a long time with your words.

Welche Verbesserungen brings Ihnen dieses neue Gesetz?

The law has a supporter, as a critic. The German concrete heart foundation is the meaning of the early recognition and prevention in the children’s alter. Criticism can warn against an excessive treatment of medicines and the prevention of more preventive measures during life.

The new law brought positive Neuerungen for all in the Früherkennung mit sich. High cholesterol levels – a risk factor for heart disease – it may be that there is a malfunction. While new things are happening in the children’s alternatives, man can die and by recognizing that he still has not earned money.

The binding of Pharmacies for general checks is a heavier step. So it is a matter of time to check if the welding current lasts long before you turn on a terminal.

However: Obwohl Früherkennung wich is, ist all in nicht reichend, een Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen effectively vorzubeugen. Prevention during survival, outsourcing costs and living life is separated, a risk that keeps costs to a minimum. Leader setzt the Gesetz zhr auf medicamentöse Lossungen and lässt preventive maßnahmen weitgehend außer Acht.

Do you want to take a risk when it comes to medicine?

The use of medicines can be used at the children’s alter. Dadurch became another example of a verantwoordungsbundel, for a healthy lifestyle in childhood. Statistical preventive measures that form the basis for solving problems with medicines, were long without a nachhaltige strategy.

Another point of criticism is the regulation, because one of the best medicines is different. There is a stellt a eingriff in the first kompetenz. If you are free, you can be individually separated, while your patients get the best treatment, based on the special gesundheitliche beds.

Statin, the high level of cholesterol levels, has changed, has had some risks and negative consequences, so that there is no longer a problem. This disease of Muskelbeschwerden has a problem with a greater risk of the disease of Type-2-Diabetes. These risks must be weighed, except in the verschreibung and children.

Do you want to know whether the risks for Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen are that great?

It is possible that the Heart Soundness occurs on a natural basis and that the risks for the Heart Circulation Diseases come to the fore. Wishful value would be, if the mass intakes were a stronger geforden. Before you can use the herbs, pharmacies and the diet of a few healthy lifestyles.

  1. Healthy food: A balanced analysis, rich in healthy, whole grain products and healthy food, can help lower cholesterol and protect the heart.
  2. Regular movement: At least 150 minutes of moderate activities for the week, such as playing sports, racing or swimming, being able to enjoy the health and reducing the risks of health and wellness.
  3. Evaporation losses: The view on tobacco is one of the important results of the improvement of heart health.
  4. Stress management: Techniques with meditation, yoga or yoga can help, relieve stress and experience the heart.
  5. Healthy sleep: Extensive and good quality sleep is essential for heart health.
  6. Weight management: A healthy weight is reduced by the risks of heart disease.

Is your Medizin a Vorsorgeoder Reparatiebetrieb?

Modern medicine prevents a healthy lifestyle and a healthy life. The “Healthy Heart Law” begins with the role of medicine as a repair. If you spend more time on prevention investments, you can find a heart circle disease described here.