
Knax-Spielfest celebrates the Children’s Jubiläum

Knax-Spielfest celebrates the Children’s Jubiläum

Bad Berleburg. 50 years ago, also in 1974, the Deutsche Sparkassenverlag produced a promotional comic for children and young people. The Action War cleverly. If you can use the credit institution, it is important that the next generations bind. Childlike regularity in the family and fragments from the Knax handle. Seitdem are up to today over 200 these Knax handles appear.

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In Bad Berleburg a man can come up with another idea for 20 years: The Knax-Spielfest with the summer night party, which is considered the crowning glory of the holidays. Then the Jugendförderverein Bad Berleburg and the Stadtjugendpflege in the Rathausgarten ein, wed de Kinder a kunsterbuntes Spielfest erwartet: Am Samstag baute der Jugendförderverein the entire Bandbreite and Hüpfburgen and Großspielgeräten in Rathausgarten auf. The “Funny Fux” (Bernd Klüser) came on stage as a walking act for the big Unterhaltung.

20 years of Youth Support Association is no brainer for me.

Sandra Janson

Youth association

The city youth center of Bad Berleburg offers the Tür des Jugendbussen and purchased Slush-Eis, Popcorn and Zuckerwatte. New that year: Das Greenfiber-Mobil with the “Heißen Draht”. A Streichelzoo from the Kleintierzoetverein W32, the bookshop of MankelMuth, is treated with a leseecke. Look at children’s shoes, glitter tattoos and the big basteltisch. “20 Years of Jugendförderverein is not yet an opportunity for me. Damals, if we have an entschieden, that’s the same, I’m not sure, but that’s the same,” says Sandra Janson in SZ-Gespräch.

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A more soulful Schuss with the Armbrust will probably be better.

A more soulful Schuss with the Armbrust will probably be better.

“A ich bin heute noch Feuer und Flamme. I am from the family, that was a large amount of money on the Beine-gestellt.“ As the Geschäftsführerin des Jugendfördervereins, they are very ideal idealists, they find würden, whatever they want to do and in the sin of the other world. Zum Knax-Fest, as the name suggests, is part of the Premium Partner of the Jugendfördervereins – just like the Sparkasse Wittgenstein. Am living with many children in the Rathausgarten which is the occasion, with the help of the Knax-Club.

Every attraction focuses on children's, youth and experience activities - and children's shoes or tattoo sticking.

Every attraction focuses on children’s, youth and experience activities – and children’s shoes or tattoo sticking.

Denn: For all Knax Club members, there is a tasty offer and the opportunity to borrow Wittgenstein for the great redemption of the Sparkasse. Wonderful prizes for the borrower. He has founded the great Knax Sonderheft, another kind of discount and gift voucher for leisure parks. Holger Saßmannshausen said as the media man of the Sparkasse: “The Knax Club has accompanied me all my life. I have become a big hit with the first comics in the Sparkasse. I think I will be busy with the Sparkasse in kindergarten for a while and that the Knax-Ausweise is told. And we were in school with the school savings. Because all trends are popular, the Knax Club is busy all year round.”

The Knax Club hat with my longevity. I became a big seller with the first comics in the Sparkasse.

Holger Saßmannshausen

Vorsitzender Jugendförderverein

The Knax-Spielfest castle itself is at the end of the Summer Night Party. A real top act traveled in the Münsterland with the Classic Rock and Party Band “YourDecade”. The living erwirtschafteten Gewinne became one of the best communities of summer season-ausgeschüttet in the principle of Solidarity.

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“We can say a big thank you to our sponsors, the Knax-Spielfest and the Sommernachtsparty ermöglicht: the Sparkasse Wittgenstein, the CDU Stadtverband, EJOT, Autohaus Müller, Bollhorst Landtechnik and Greenfiber.” and the DRK Ortsverein Bad Berleburg sees a Vereine, which at Auf- and Abbau, the Verkauf or der Kinderbetreuung unterstützen.