
Dschungelcamp: Thorsten Legat weint, Ansage von Moderatorin sitzt

Dschungelcamp: Thorsten Legat weint, Ansage von Moderatorin sitzt

This issue and the tag zweien in the Dschungelcamp are for some discussion – in the “Legendären Stunde Danach” at RTL, which is covered by the Anschluss and the TV-Ausstrahlung zu sehen.

In the second series of “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden” (on Abruf on RTL+) Thorsten and his Mitcamperin Hanka got together. The ex-footballer has come to the right place.

Scene with Thorsten Legat and Hanka Rackwitz caused a lot of criticism

Was war over? The jungle-team members and team members must be separated, where the test must be set. Everyone reports voluntarily – to Hanka Rackwitz. If all goes well, then it is not the case that Thorsten Legat will not weld anymore.

All about the subject RTL

There is clearly power, that is the little wisdom for life: “If you want to live, you must also be able to do it. Hanka, come on,” because it is true. But Hanka wehrte wehrte sich, erklärte, sie fühle sich nicht wohl: „No, ich möchte nicht.“ Legat aber beharrte auf seinem Standpunkt: „Du? Wohlfühlen?“, rief eh. „Nicht nur im Fünf-Sterne-Hotel … You must stay here!’

A scene that is in the Anschluss with Throsten Legat has come to the Dschungelcamp for Tränen-sorgte – and then to Dschungel-Talk with Olivia Jones.

Go to the Moderations-Duo Angela Finger-Erben and Olivia Jones, Leyla Lahouar, Mike Heiter and Julian FM Stoeckel, were on the Hankas page. Stoeckel erklärte, that is a group but one of the wildest Tier der Herde kümmern müsse.

Dschungelcamp: Spruch von Olivia Jones sitzt, Legat bricht in Tränen aus

I spoke to a video phone about the former football player of Jones on the big scale, and said: “Legende and Leistung is for this unacceptable, isn’t it?” Legat erklärt, it is a fact that this has happened. Once you are in the camp, when you are a child, become a father, with the Faust-drillt hat.

Read here: Jungle camp For once, Thorsten Legat de Tränen nicht meer zurückhalten: “Wünsche ich keinem”

Olivia Jones might in his heart: “Yes, and therefore you have to do differently. That’s it!” An Ansage, the legacy of the Tränen in de augen treiben, that is so erased. I am Studio herrscht Stille.

Angela Finger-Erben was unable to get out of the situation. Legat: “The people who live in the world live, one’s own problem is no longer a problem with one’s own choice, it is worth doing so. And that man is a man of his own safety.” There power is clear: “Man is a man of his own accord, was a man of his own accord.” Signal Appell: “Nehmt die Menschen so, wie sie sind!”