
Was sorted in Ausland für Staunen

Was sorted in Ausland für Staunen

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Was this typically German and sorted into Ausland for the Überraschung? Reddit Nutzer tells about his experiences and exciting fun and disinterested aspects of German culture.

Person holds two beer bottles hoch.
A question that is so typical in Germany is that in Ausland it is regularly for verwirrte Blicke. © Pond5 Images/Picture

It may not be so bad, the typical German sind – from Pünktlichkeit bis zu speziellen Trinkgeohhnheiten. Did you bring Leute in Ausland to Staunen or was this successful? In this article, you read the article in r/FragReddit in u/TeaL12: “Was it a typical German Tradition, which in Australia is often overlooked?” And it’s nice to know that Antwerp has been very enjoyable, whoever read it 14 passive-aggressive painter, who holds up some access to Germany.

If you are new, the typical German idiosyncrasy is not normal at temperatures below 28 degrees, but you can pay attention to this. Here are the answers:

1. Zugluft und Klimaanlagen: Die unsichtbaren Feinde

“If you think, the airflow or air conditioning would make you sick.” –u/DYOR3002

2. “Mahlzeit!” – Der Alleskönner unter den Grußworten

“Mahlzeit! Maaaahlzeit! Maaaaaaaaaahlzeit!” –u/dilior1

“That’s nice!! I am a Migrant 2. Generation and hatte dies ‘Mahlzeit’ nor gehört, bis ich irgendwann in der Uni a Nebenjob in Einzelhandel angefangen hatte. I was so confused, I was so confused, but I was happy.” –u/ChandniRaatein

3. Everything good in Voraus? That brings Unglück!

„Anscheinend: Im Voraus zum Geburtstag gratulieren. I was shocked, if my Turkish Kollegin was happy with my Voraus gratulierte.” –u/artavenue

“Oh, that’s in the Netherlands too. If I’ve had a Saturday holiday, I’ve gotten the Kollegium on the Day gift voucher, I’m all gratinated and stuff: ‘AAARGH, what’s your power, that! That brings Unluckiness!’ The idea that the plan was like that, was that I started a woolly and after the discovery tour, but I didn’t think it was like that the Deutsche was so abergläubig. ” –u/lilo9203

4. Leichenschmaus – Makaber oder but schön?

“I love the sogenannten Leichenschmaus immer sehr makaber, aber mittlerweile ist for me here a ‘schöne’ Sache, thats man then nor zeeammen ist, anstatt all irgendwo zu sein.“ –u/gelöscht

“I find it strange that the Wort is so stuck, as if one were to munch on the Leiche. If you have an idea, no matter what you thought, now I have to eat a piece from the dear Grandma.” –u/Horg

5. Calculate the cost, please!

“In a group in the restaurant you can be alone.” –u/Mangosmoothie0815

6. Ehrlich gefragt, ehrlich answered

“Ehrlich zu antworten, wenn man is fragt, wie es geht.” –u/Burn0ut2020

“Yes, sollte man den uder Kulturen mal beibringen, dass man nur nach dem Befinden fragment, wenn man wirklich Interest daran hat, anstatt ein memories ‘How are you?’ as meaning rauszudreschen.” –u/DarkZethis

7. Please contact us if you do not forget!

“In die Augen schauen beim Anstoßen.” –u/Away-Leg2139

“That is so drin, that is as comical empfinde, wenn es other (cultures) not machen.” –u/yesnewyearseve

8. Nase putzen in der Öffentlichkeit? Clearly!

“If it is a small tradition, then people here are normally able to enjoy themselves in public. In Zentralas it is a catastrophic Flegelei. I have spent 3 years in Germany without having any luck, I always get used to being around here so I come to my first cup of life as a side-eye moment 😂 I don’t want to have any bad feelings, but it was my last time .“ –u/idkzn

9. Kuchen am eigenen Geburtstag mitbringen?

„The man is both welcome to the guest and welcomes and entertains his guests. If in Ireland a my Geburtstag my Kollegen einladen wollte is, I have all verwirrt anschaut and angemeckert, ich soll meine Hand von meinem Geldbeutel entfernen 😂“ –u/gelöscht

“I absolutely love it and it will last for eight years, a my Geburtstag Urlaub or the overwhelming experience of his life.” –u/Anachron101

10. Wegbier – Ein Bier für lowerwegs

“Road beer.” –u/FabianHanebuechen

11. Ein Hoch auf Sprudelwasser en Schorlen!

“I like the water with the Kohlensäure is such a German Sache, even the man himself in Australia wonders – about the “Schorle” (z. B. Apfelschorle) hörte ich das auch.” –u/oxooc

12. Pünktlichkeit ist een Tugend!

“Pünktlichkeit.” –u/wbkkramer

“Endlich. I’ll be happy and happy with the rest of my life. 10-5 minutes until you are ready to eat and then continue to eat 😂.” –u/Proteindudu47

If it is not so, it is not typically German as an improper concept. Here: 14 Truths about German Belongings, the first of which must still be accepted.