
Study: Real estate market in Ballungsräumen festgefahren | 18.08.24

Study: Real estate market in Ballungsräumen festgefahren | 18.08.24

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – The American market researches were carried out after a study of a negative spiral effect and functioning functions. Roads of the growing file sizes and new Angeboten that take most of the time, we will probably spend more time in a new Wohnung to investigate the big brokers JLL.

If the next step is taken when it is a nice offer, we will not see any apartments on the market. Although the situation of the housing corporations is still worsening, it is not the case that there are a number of rising ones in the news. The tatsächliche Nachfrage nach Wohnraum can be eliminated in this way.

Especially since several events have been carried out by JLL in Munich and Berlin. Living room since we are very happy with it, we are living in a new home for 8 Euro beziehungsweise 7.50 Euro per quadratmeter higher up as in the alten living room. Follow Frankfurt with a price of 4.80 Euro per Quadratmeter. In Dresden and Duisburg you pay an amount of 1.50 Euro, but you can pay a lot cheaper.

A major challenge has arisen during the Neubau mission to stimulate the fluctuation incentives, including JLL manager Roman Heidrich. Here you can beitragen the Tauschmöglichkeiten. There is a way to live a regular life, a component that is assessed at the market level./ceb/DP/mis