
Enjoy the Welser Volksfest with even more Platz for the Fahrgeschäfte

Enjoy the Welser Volksfest with even more Platz for the Fahrgeschäfte

In a whole week of living it is so much better. The Welser Volksfest started on August 29 with the search for the events and the two Volksfestwochenen in the Messestadt Locken. Die OÖNachrichten sind Medienpartner. These, Freitag, became the first Fahrgeschäfte engeliefert, then the Aufbau began. Die Platze auf der Festwiese is ausgebucht.

Die Plane, we wo stehen darf, work jedes im Frühjahr und Herbst Projektleiterin Christine Wimmer aus. “I have been maching since 2006, I know the Befindlichkeiten and Wünsche der Schausteller and white, while the Fahrgeschäfte sister couples can, often it is more of a halber Meter Platz,” says Wimmer.

Giant wheel for the wine

For the Riesenrad it will initially take longer to complete the route, it is a prominent Platz. “It is a fact that the Weinkost and Festzelt have been abolished, while the position of the wonderfully beautiful was”, Freut sich Wimmer. For repetitions and a few mistakes in the Magen guarantee are Crazy Mouse, the schwindelerregende Sky Flyer, Break Dance, Tagada and many more. The background of the Abrisses and Pavillons at the folk festival is more Platz for the bicycle groups, food trucks and Schaubuden. “Important are also a good introduction of the spectacular bicycle groups to the family and children’s area and a beautiful entertainment”, said Messe-Mitarbeiterin Wimmer.

Image: Wels Stock Exchange

“}”> Enjoy the Welser Volksfest with even more Platz for the Fahrgeschäfte

Starts on August 29th with the Night of Tracht.
Image: Wels Stock Exchange

New is the Tagesbar “Secret Garden” at Tabak Pavillon in Austria with electronic DJ sounds and cool drinks, the welser gastronom Patrick Balange is spied on.

On August 29th the party and the “Nacht der Tracht” are on. Large groups can call on the Brauerei Gösser and win in the “Süßen Welt von Guschlbauer” in St. Willibald. Reservations can be made via [email protected]

On Sonntag, September 1, at 5 p.m. at 5 p.m. Tee with the Tanzschule Santner aufgetanzt. After a short break during the month until halfway through the Folk Festival from September 5 to 8 in the Verlängerung. Part of the Welser Messe at the Messe AgroTier runs on Tierschik, Stalltechnik, Fütterungsanlagen uvm. In any case, a small Herbstmesse zu den Themen Inneneinrichtung, Küchen, Schlafsysteme, Wellness and Spa.

There is a program at the party with folk music and DJ that can take place in the music and in the wine village at muziekgefeiert.

Abschluss is on 8. September of the Blasmusiksonntag with the Musikvereinen der Nachbarorte Buchkirchen, Weißkirchen, Steinhaus, Thalheim and Marchtrenk. Musicians and musicians gathered and played in Riesenrad, Tagada, Autodrom and Kettenflieger Platz.

From 5 to 8 September, the Messe AgroTier statt. OÖNcard-Besitzer has a ticket sale of two Euro.