
ROUNDUP 2/Varta-Sanierungsplan: Aktionäre gehen leer aus – Porsche Steigt Ein | 18.08.24

ROUNDUP 2/Varta-Sanierungsplan: Aktionäre gehen leer aus – Porsche Steigt Ein | 18.08.24

(New: more details and Kursentwicklung)

ELLWANGEN (dpa-AFX) – The old batteries have started to finance and invest investors in a remediation concept. Key aspects include a debt cut and fresh money among others at Großkunden Porsche AG. The costs are removed from the group. All documents and their contents are intended to spread a word in the probe. Make sure that you experience the parties involved together and that Federal Cartel Office green Light geben. The process can take place in the kitchen and the money, such as the Sprecher.

All you plan is the restructuring of Varta AG’s financing secured until the end of the years 2027. The unit from the Swabian Ellwangen spoke of a “bedeutenden Meilenstein”. The concept became the company “wesentlich debts and with fresh liquidität ausstatten”.

Complete Herabsetzung des Grundkapitals

You can file a claim and cash in the credit of the bisherigen Verbindlichkeiten from quickly half a million euros to 200 million euros. Then the capital of Varta AG would be reset to zero euros. The effect: the action in question separates the compensations from each other and the group loses your benefit.

The fear of a total decline in activity can take place in July. If you get 10 euros war, you can get a price of 1.50 euros within a day if you want to earn something. The paper costs money and costs 3.90 euros for a Freitagsschluss – that vague Hoffnung once, a total decline in costs, which no longer exists.

Varta war 2017 for 17.50 Euro your Action and the Börse are brought and war fragged for a long time. Anfang 2021 war der Kurs – on the roads of the booming Geschäfts with small Akkus etwa for cablelose Headphones – up to 181.30 Euros. There is no other way.

As a new Gesellschaft is affiliated with the Association and Capital Cut of a Varta-Mehrheitseigner Michael Tojner, a control-Gesellschaft (MT InvestCo) which has a Beteiligungsgesellschaft for Sports car repairers Porsche with jewels of 30 Million Euro. A part of the investments is made immobile, the time is over.

After the capital investments of MT InvestCo and Porsche, 32 Prozent von Varta stopped, die übrigen Finanzierer jijsammen 36 Prozent. It is legal that the Beteiligungen an der Varta AG de Mitteilung zunächst von MT InvestCo und Porsche zu je 50 Prozent content, “Besides the Ausgestaltung darauf transportet würde, that again MT InvestCo neither Porsche nor both jointly have the Controlle”.

Varta battery in Porsche 911 Carrera

Porsche AG uses the Vartas Autobatterie-Tochtergesellschaft V4Drive Battery that likes more wool. Porsche says that it is so that “with other partners” the financing of the new financing of Varta AG is possible, whatever. I have earned a Porsche investment of 30 million euros. In the Firma V4Drive battery that has been developed for a larger lithium-ion round cell, the hybrid version of the Porsche 911 Carrera GTS is being developed.

Plan for few weeks to come

At the Saturday presentation Varta was one of the main ways to buy a Monat. Damas part of the group with, at the Amtsgericht Stuttgart a Restrukturierungvorhaben according to the Industrial Stabilization and Restrukturierungsgesetz (StaRUG) announced. The Alt activities will probably be carried out, Gläubiger auf a large amount of money and more Ansprüche displays.

More information is available to the public: “Wir müssen diesen Schrittzen, een Varta een Zukunft zu geben, fast 4,000 Arbeitsplätze zu sichern and das Unternehmen as Wirtschaftsfaktor in the Region and for all as Technology Developers for Europe zu erhalten.”

If you notice a problem it becomes a more moderate process Stellenbosch in the Verwaltung geben. Hinges in the kitchen Bereich Arbeitskräfte gesucht. Was the end for the Zahl der Mitarbeitenden bedeute, sei noch nicht abzusehen. Schon im Frühjahr 2023 hatte Varta infolge eines Sparprogramms angekündigt, weltweit beef 800 Couples zu streichen – etwa 390 davon in Deutschland.

Hacker riff and chopped version for 2024

The battery group is in crisis for a longer period. Supplies that greatly increase the vulnerability of lithium-ion buttons and the headphone. You can cancel the bill from Billig-Konkurrenz from China to solve problems in the Lieferketten. Hacker is attacked by computer systems in February and production is continued longer.

Mitte April said that the dominion over the own development would no longer last, a plant that would become a profitable growth spurt by the end of 2026. In June, the Varta due to the watchdog Nachfrage cut the umsatziel for 2024. The umsatz has been won for a year from 820 million to 870 million euros einpendeln. If you see the Vorstand, that costs 900 million euros on the Zettel.

In the first month of 2023, Varta had authorized 554 Million Euro Umsatz. Aktuellere Geschäftszahlen gibt is wegde des Hackerangriffs nicht. Angaben zum first Quartal 2024 were at 30. August erwartet, der Geschäftsbericht 2023 End October./kre/brd/mis/DP/mis