
Michel Gießelmann won the headquarters at the BSR-Radsporttag

Michel Gießelmann won the headquarters at the BSR-Radsporttag

The headquarters at the BSR-Radsporttag has become zur Wasserschlacht von Breinig. Of 50 reports, Fahrern überquerten am Ende nur 25 die Zielinie. Schon bei dem Derny-Rennen on dem 1.2 Kilometers long Rundkurste zte der Regen one, and a Derny-Fahrer run in a bend. The continental pros, elite fahrer and amateurs were also warned and a stronger Dauer rain became stricter in the main board. 19 actually reported Radsportlers were not the first to start. An end-pressing run is a pleasure.

Sturz in Round Eleven

He has helped Kamil Kujawinski from RV Endspurt Wuppertal into the Favorites, while in the elevens he played Runde and most other professionals Fabian Messerschmidt (Santic-Wibatech) and four other Fahrer. Ebenfalls in the eleventh Runde setzte Michel Gießelmann from Rose Racing Circle was one of the first positive results and power over the pace on the Spitze des Hauptfelds. Gießelmann, der – auch im Rain auf rutschiger Strecke – jüngst das traditionalsreiche Aachener Radlopen “Rund um Dom und Rathaus” won hat, setzte sich kaal ab.

When my own rhythm is played and played, in the nassen a tempo limit is ended and a more efficient run is performed than the Others.

Michel Gießelmann

Sieger Elite Racing on BSR-Radsporttag

This is the only thing that happened in the 18th century. Run the whole day together through the pouring rain. Nur three Runden später aber floh Gießelmann erneut and fuhr rund 20 Sekunden Abstand zu den Verfolgern heraus. Seinen Vorsprung vergrößerte Gießelmann downright unaufällig, aber sukkelssive and bewies einmal more seine quality as Regenfahrer. In Runde 40 fuhr is a quick minute before dem Hauptfeld, and in der 45. Schleife durch Breinig überrundete Gießelmann seine Verfolger. The flight takes place in Runde 50 and goes over the Rundete Hauptfeld.

Nass, aber gluücklich: BSR Chef Frank Conrads (right), Andre Holz (VR Bank) and Bürgermeister Patrick Haas (from left) with the Sieger Michel Gießelmann as David Büschler and the drittplatzierten Sven Thurau. Photo: Dirk Müller

The victory between the BSR-Radsporttag war is no more than 60 Runden and 72 Kilometers gewann Michel Gießelmann for David Büschler (Skull Racing Team) and Sven Thurau (Rose Racing Circle), the battle for the Derny-Rennen for themselves separated. The cleaning washing machine is used when occupying the BSR racing tags on the main pragmatic locker: “Nach fun Minuten bist du ohnehin vollig duchnässt. “Then it’s a matter of heritage, but it’s not so warm,” Michel Gießelmann commented with a laugh.

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“I am in my own Rhythmus-fahren, and have learned, in the shortest periods of time, a fast pace and a smoother, faster run as the others”, explanation of the Elite-Fahrer after seinem written Saisonsieg. “It is a good position, now that a war in the Kurve Drüber and has been quickly resolved,” Gießelmann described the critical situation in Rennen. In the amateurs, Alexander Ernst (RSC Rheinbach) played for the Aachener Zugvogel Simon Rothländer and Lukas Renken from RSV Düren.

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Erneut Winkelhag

The Racing of the Altersklasses met beachtlichen Results ( van Nachwuchs van de RC Zugvogel Aachen blieben so trocken wie van de Wettbewerb der Elite-Frauen. In the Frauen-Rennen-überzeugten the Fahrerinnen of RC Dorff, together with the RSC Stolberg, the BSR-Radsporttag ausgerichtet hat, with good Platzierungen. The Sieg went to the “Rund um Dom und Rathaus” and the Campus Race – both in Aachen – a Mira Winkelhag vom LKT-Team for Lisa Weber (RSV Osthelden) and Sina Maßen (Siena Garden Racing).