
Citizen money: Paar sucht Zweitwohnung – nicht zum Wohnen

Citizen money: Paar sucht Zweitwohnung – nicht zum Wohnen

Manche Menschen machen einfach nur sprach-beziehungsweise fassungslos. Zwei davon is the “Armes Deutschland” protagonist Lea and Renee. The two of them work hard, Renee lebt von Hartz4 (Episode wurde vor Einführung des Bürgergeldes gedreht), Lea vom Unterhalt, den ihr ihr Vater zahlt, haben nur wenig Motivation, work zu gehen. I am Gegentil.

“We find that we do not pay for the minimum wage and we can also finance ourselves in other ways,” said Renee ganz open in the Bürgergeld-Doku of RTL Zwei. If you go in German, that is the case. So how the age of 21, no matter how young it is, the more money there is, other funds get the state of the money from the bag that you see. And you can insult an 18-year-old friend again.

Eine Zweitwohnung auf Staatskosten

So both live at the time of the three-hour work in the apartment financed by Renee. It is not possible to do this. Lea will touch Hartz4 beans, and then such a house will fall. A second home sozusagen, which may not suit Renee. And that is the Gründe, who has worked the 21st year.

++ Bürgergeld-Empfängerin droht dem Jobcenter – “Dann komme ich with my help” ++

“Beim Jobcenter is convinced that a Zweitwohnung has its own company and its own Bedarfsgemeinschaft for its machine, if someone wants to work in a Wohnung-wohnt. If you have your own home, it is an official way, that’s the way you think, you live alone, you have to spend your evenings alone, you can go to Essen and Trinken holen, and then you come into the Rules and I am there,” explains Renée.

++ Bürgergeld-Lüge in Mallorca! Video power die Runde – “Der verarscht dich!” ++

Wohnen will not include Lea in the Wohnung anymore, no matter who she will offend. “If you stop a Wohnung for me, then it is a bad report, that is a Wohnsitz that is normal, I post everything and everything. And I think I am hartz4, so the young woman, ‘an art-fake-wohnung.’ With Lea and Renee they are differently involved with each other.

Everything you need to know about your citizen’s money

RTL Zwei says the following “Armes Deutschland: Aufstocker, Zweitjobber und Abzocker” am Dienstag (August 20, 2024) at 10:15 PM. Be that as it may: no entrepreneur of citizen money or other social affairs tells himself like Renee. Most want to find a new job as soon as possible.