
Tod nach Vergewaltigung einer Ärztin in der Klinik: Indische Ärzte streiken landesweit

Tod nach Vergewaltigung einer Ärztin in der Klinik: Indische Ärzte streiken landesweit

New Delhi. Wut und Trauer in der Ärzteschaft, Entsetzen in der Gesellschaft: Der gewaltsame Tod a young Ärztin in Ausbildung hat in Als een nieuw Welle von Prostenen ausgelöst. It is a different situation that affects the most populous country in the world. More than 31,000 fatalities were reported in the year 2022. I am engaged in protests to the highest degree: Medizines and Mediziners impose their country for 24 days in their work.

“I wouldn’t mind giving you the next day,” stand on placards, which are present in white kitties in a living environment. Krankenhäuser wiesen der patients en patients – wenn is not a not-fälle act. Bereits in de Vergangen Tagen hatten protesting protests.

More than 50 percent women

The Indian Medical Association has put Prime Minister Narendra Modi on notice about the personal health protection by making its statements about the tatsache, which is more than half of Indian women. It concerns the hospital safety precautions such as an airport, explained by the association’s head, RV Asokan. “I have fear,” a young medical woman told a reporter from the TV channel NDTV. If you have done something else, it is so that the night is not so good anymore.

During the nocturnal passion of the autumn of the age of 31, the swelling problem is an ever greater power. Your leg was found on Friday morning of the past week – in a seminar room of your hospital in the million city of Kolkata. The woman must have slept there after a long shot. If you are looking for an autopsy, you can have a sexual experience. The police have a suspect fest.

Stimmen from the Ärzteschaft messageseten, the Obduktion deute on a Gruppenvergewaltigung hin. The Oberste Gericht Kolkata is an Indian Bundespolizeibehörde and the Defense Forces zu übernehmen. Kurz wanted to kill a crowd in the asylum, which would be financed by Leiche. The police say nothing about the angry stecke.

Nach Gruppenvergewaltigung Todesstrafe

Der Prime Minister griff den Fall kürzlich in een Speech auf. “The Breite Masse ist wütend,” says the 73-year-old. “Our country, our Society and our Regional Management must increase the seriousness of the matter. Verbrechen gegen Frauen sollten mit a bigger problem is not understood.’

Damals shocked the Gruppenvergewaltigung of a 23-year-old student in a fahrenden bus in the Hauptstadt Neu-Delhi in the Welt. Sie starb später in a Krankenhaus. Every dam that protested en masse was a failure of the Gesetze führte. The four Täter starben sieben Jahre später am Galgen – worauf Hunderte vor ihrem Gefängnis in der Hauptstadt Neu-Delhi rejoiced.

Crimes against the police

If you don’t know what women’s rights clergy reward, this is not the case. Some internal affairs of the police and the judicial system are no longer relevant if a caste lasts longer. Many victims lie for years, but suspicious people are free from fraud.

There are two double options: Zum een ​​​​​​erleben is one of the men’s colleges on the subcontinent during the work on the Arbeitsplatz. There are messages that cause a lot of fear – there are patients and patients die.

Rolled against Ärztinnen and Ärzte nimmt generell zu

Bis zu 75 Prozent der Medizinerinnen und Mediziner seien etwa Drohungen oder körperlichen Übergriffen ausgesetzt, here’s in a study of the Indian Medical Association of 2019. „Ärztinnen and Ärzte were mistreated, they are unterbezahlt and überbeitet“, said arzt of the Times of India “.

For others, women who grew up in the patriarchal country with 1.4 million inhabitants and households – and the intention is for the young protests to be protested against women and other groups of deprived people – from young bis alt.

If you have official data in your country, a new stigma is reported. The statistical number must therefore be higher in Germany, as women’s rights teachers and again show. If the stigma is so great, it can be much greater.

Weibliche Föten became bigger and bigger

A Grund lasts the Gesellschaft-being. Every year became less and less large amounts, the debts were chosen as young people, and the family was often a financial burden – it should be if your heir would receive a high gift, which is in an offiziell verboten state.

After the health ministry was challenged, there was a committee for personal health care, and the protests that took place in the Krankenhäuser-zurückzukehren were one of the strong points of Zahl von Dengue- en Malaria-Fällen. The war of the Indian Medical Association is not over. If you make concrete, the composite members of the Vergangenheit provide a good translation. Werte einer Gesellschaft is nur langsam. (dpa)