
DFB-Pokal: Elfer-Krimi in Saarbrücken: Miroslav Klose kicks Pokal-Schreck raus! | Sport

DFB-Pokal: Elfer-Krimi in Saarbrücken: Miroslav Klose kicks Pokal-Schreck raus! | Sport

This year is not like this anymore!

Saarbrücken loses in the first Runde des DFB Cups Gegen Zweitligist Nürnberg und Neu-Trainer Miroslav Klose (46) nach Elfer-Krimi (4:6 nE).

Nürnberg’s Pokal-Keeper Mathenia would go to Helden, pariert against Zeitz! Lubach is walking the parting Elfer!

The end of the Drittligisten van Traum von een erneuten Pokal-Wunder früh. While in the Abgelaufenen Saison galt Saarbrücken as Pokal-Schreck, war sensation in the Half-final gestürmt.

Auf dem Weg through the Saarland-Klub otherwise with Siegen gegen that Bayern, Frankfurt and Gladbach ensured for great events. Erst in the semi-final against the Lokal-Rivalen Kaiserslautern war end station.

Now it is for Saarbrücken to be in the first Runde Schluss. Yes, we conclude a golden glove. The World Master of 2014 donates Neuzugang Sevcik (kam von Prag) von Beginn an das Vertrauen. A quick start at your next Club Debüt!

The Mittelfeld-Mann hat for the Strafraum fell on the Platz and zirkels the ball 20 meters into the store – 1:0 (12.)!

Not a single traumatizer! Denn in der Schlussphase gleicht Saarbrücken-Joker Brückner noch aus. While the Stürmer is in the Luft, a flank can be shot directly and sharply to see 1:1 (80.).

Before the start there was a Heavy minute for Saarbrückens toten Publikumsliebling Stephen Musa (49). Der Mittelfeld-Mann played for the Saarland-Klub 200 Spiele in 1994 and 2002. Musa war Anfang July in the blessing Heimat Nigeria and the following revision acts were storben.

Close wanted as player himself swims in the Cup, hollow with the Bavaria 2008 and 2010 den Pott! Nun won a Pokal-Premiere as Trainer.

For BILD in the Stadium: Marco Werzinger

Viktoria Berlin – Augsburg 1:4

Not everything is possible in this Pokal season!

Viertligist Viktoria Berlin won the first Pokal-Sensation in that Saison against Augsburg, losing 1:4!

It is a shock from the strong Außenseiter of the Bundesligisten früh: If an Ecke wants the Kugel and the zweiten, where Liu is golden and the Kugel über the Line drückt – 1:0 (4.)!

But Augsburg is not finished, might be better! A Tietz-Kopfball klatscht and the links Pfosten (24.). We heard the FCA when Rexhbecaj went with the Ausgleich (33.).

Viktoria danach im Glück! When the Augsburg Vermeintlicher Führungstreffer left an abseitsposition nicht (39.) by Tietz, when Tietz failed an XXL-Chance, weil neither Liu de Kugel nor von der Linie kratzt (42.).

FCA Trainer Jess Thorup (54) plays with Goalkeeper Labrovic, Schlotterbeck, Giannoulis and Essende during their new Pflichtspiel-Premiere. Später wechselt is still Bayern-Leihgabe Kabadayi and BVB-New Wolf one.

Essende (originated from the youth of Paris Saint-Germain) founded heraus, but it is now possible to proceed directly. After a fine Doppelpass with more shots, the score is 2:1 one (54.). So let’s celebrate Augsburg with the party after the first shock!

Dorsch (87.) und Tietz (90.+2) erhöhen with their goals for Schluss auf 4:1, ensure for clear results!

The FCA has taken the first steps in the romer jersey. The burgundy dress is an absolute product worth buying and producing in the online store.

Damit is in Augsburg away, the own Pokal-Fluch are besieged. The war over the years for the Fuggerstädter during the spa tests in the Zweiten Runde Schluss …

For BILD in the stadium: Tore Dombrowski