
Tag der Jugend: SOS-Kinderdorf Burgenland fordert more Mitgestaltung

Tag der Jugend: SOS-Kinderdorf Burgenland fordert more Mitgestaltung

Mitigalten statt Klappe halten: Damit Kinder would have to wait, if they were taken seriously! SOS-Kinderdorf Burgenland never takes care of the health crisis of children and young people. Marek Zeliska advocates a child-friendly political and social system in the children’s beds of young people.

BURGENLAND. In times of multiple wars it is more important than you, that children and youth were protected and punished. A good choice and die Schaffung eines stabilen Foundations If you want to live a different life, you have to do it in a solid way.

“You fell young people in one place Health crisis and the politics and the welfare system in the lurch. Every federal state ticks differently and sets other points of resistance, also in the health zone. In Burgenland I see child and youth psychiatry as a development field. In a yellow democracy it is the political development, the interests of children and young people are becoming increasingly greater. For one of the best ways to keep politics young, the seriousness of the matter is great and the deception is – ultimately – in the middle point and the separation that occurs”, so Marek ZeliskaSOS Kinderdorfleiter Burgenland.

Mitgestalten statt Klappe halten

SOS-Kinderdorf started a petition for more Mitbestimmung of young people. At supporterinnen and supporters can support a political unterschreiben for the joint education of children and young people in the position of the Mittelpunkt.

Gesundheitsthemen in der Beratung von Rat auf Draht

  • über 10,000 Beratungen jährlich zährlich zur Gesundheit und Geesteren Belastungen (= jede 5. Beratung)
  • 25 Reviews for the week zum Thema Suizid
  • über 15 Beratungen pro Woche zur selbstverletzendem Verhalten
  • beef 40 Beratungen pro Woche zu total Erkrankungen
  • in the last 4 years a significant increase (66%) has been achieved
  • beef 50 Auskünfte pro Woche zu psychosozialer Versorgung
  • I’ll let more years of doubling continue

Basis: Beratungsstatisitk von Rat auf Draht 2023; Sum all Beratungen: 55,060

More information

SOS-Kinderdorf Burgenland Leader Marek Zeliska has a friendly political end. | Photo: SOS-Kinderdorf Burgenland

Ignored can cause disease

The Gesundheitskrise of Kindern and Jugendlichen says that Zahlen von Rat is active on Draht, the Kinder- and Jugendnotruf of SOS-Kinderdorf. You can appeal to a prosperity or a big problem – a total of 10,000 years.

Become weekly durchschnittlich 40 Beratungen zu volumes Erkrankungen accomplished – a second time more than four years ago. “Always more junior people report several problems. The themes have shifted significantly – for a few years there were themes that were in the closet, clarification or problems in free time stood out. Nun sind die Themen deutlich schwerwiegender.

“Young people lead to depression or other psychological problems and problems with my problems or being alone”, so Birgit SatkeLeiterin von Rat auf Draht. “The policy is based on the youth and the good conduct of society, but also on the protection of children’s rights.” Birgit Schatz. “Aktuelle Studien said, that is more than the half of all young people in Austria because of the politics that is not lost.”

Few differences in height

In the Alltag there is a young person who often uses the Augenhöhe von Erwachsenen. It may be that I have more input: “If the best immunity is given to me, that means that my health will benefit from the other one,” so Nico, 15 years old.

And 12-year-old Mira complains: “We certainly don’t die first when it comes to most of our debts. The power that was exercised in the 90s, while the guilt for the years is inherited, woe or else war. Of course it is true that we become fragmented when we commit ourselves.”

Birgit Schatz and Christian Moser fight for children's rights | Photo: SOS Kinderdorf

Children take care of a healthy diet

SOS Kinderdorf offers better access to children’s rights and more immunization by young people. Think of Blick on the prosperity of the next generation.

“One of the health of young people who were not spared must finally obtain priority! Auf dem Spiel is een glückliche Kindheit wich is een common Zukunft als Gesellschaft.”
Birgit SchatzChildren’s Rights Protection Treaty SOS-Kinderdorf

“Children and young people have small expectations. They have special education and support, which are important to be aware of! Because young people are healthy and have the best mental health benefits that are made explicit, this is one of them. child rights policy“There is a special health care system that takes the worries, fears and bed rest of young people seriously,” said Schatz.

SOS Children’s Village goes through the Grund on a health-friendly environment for young people – from genügend Platz and Grünflächen in the open air to his healthy Ernährung in the Kindergarten and School. A young person can help, it is an excellent medical and therapeutic care with children’s and young adult knowledge.

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