
Fährfest with Flohmarkt, Livemusik and Glücksrad

Fährfest with Flohmarkt, Livemusik and Glücksrad

Let a hand-knit washer be one of the reasons that comes with a Schiff. It must be from the Fährverein Hagen Grinden/Ahsen-Oetzen at signal 22. Fährfest am Sonntag keine Sorgen machen, denn der Wasserstand lag an diesem Tag at 1.18 Metern, soft drink the “Gentsiet” while there are problems with the Strecke zurücklegen konnte . “There are always other conditions, impact on water, flow and wind,” reported Frank Fehsenfeld. “That is interesting in the past and the heritage,” he said. “Runter, runner”, as the Festmachern zu. A Seilwinde would lead the Platte zum Ein- en Aussteigen hoch en runter. “Sie ist unser Anker,” says the Fährführer.

The crowds were bigger on both Seiten des Weser-Nebenarms with interesting information and culinary delicacies, a small Flohmarkt with live music by the Roys Band. The Flohmarkt started a year ago – with a bit of rainy water – now small. That is why organizer Dieter Ehlen am Sonntag nor Absagen should insist: “That is now the case. If all goes well, there are problems with the problems and the Wetterdurchsagen. Man must live at the same time,” after all, the Ausfälle auf Ahsen-Oetzener Seite (Thedinghausen) locker.

Tension on the wheel of fortune

First war of the ADFC-Kreisverband Verden on der Rechts Weser-Seite in Hagen-Grinden (Langwedel) with a stand vertreten. Inquire about the individual status of the organization, so that the Fahrrad Tours can focus on political involvement. „We were willing to work hard”, stated Claudia Wöstheinrich, who 2. Vorsitzende, „is a good working community best way“. We would like to try a Glücksrad drehen.

We are glad that we are happy with the Fährverein and we are happy to welcome you. As you grow up, you have to make some decisions while war breaks out. For the young people it is a small wheel. Süßigkeiten were revealed by Maike and Heiko Brockmann as presented. The technical Hilfswerk from Achim supported Geräte and Aufgaben in the land and in the water supply. Hans-Rasmus Steinke, Truppführer der Wassergefahr, had two more heavy duty boats to weld. “Wir unterstützen die Fähre and start zur Bewegungsfahrten“, nannte there two actions.

Kulinarisches bot auf der linksen Weser-Seite Günter Daebel with his Imbisswagen and, while he lies, Bensho’s Farm-Food has another Burger in Angebot. Kaffee en von de Vereinsmitgliedern spendendeter Kuchen were purchased in the Hauptzelt. “Aber bitte mit Sahne,” said a woman, who was prepared to have a Stück Topfkuchen from the Teller. Other delights include the Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. For the proper functioning of the Intscheder Eiswagen. During the war, you can stay in the position of Drosselhof and manage welding. Bierzelt Garniture boats Occasion to enjoy. Zur Musik von Roys Band – the trio sits in one place – schunkelten die Besucher en liezen is sich gut gehen.

Immersion with Weser water

A Zeltgottesdienst is attended by the next day of the program. The Kirchengemeinde Lunsen war diesmal with the Gestaltung en der Reihe. Pastor Michael Weiland from Oyten visited the Besucher in Festzelt with one and after two Taufen with Weser-Wasser before. For Kirchenmusik the Posaunenchor from Lunsen is played, der zum Abschluss with “Wo die Weser einen grote Bogen Kracht” a good song play.

The “Gentsiet” bicycle tour is from 3. October jewelry appears and appears from 10 to 18 o’clock in Einsatz. The Hagen-Grinden/Ahsen-Oetzen bicycle tour operates on special routes and. In the season a bislang of 6500 people is no longer possible.

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