
Nuremberg with Zittersieg in Saarbrücken

Nuremberg with Zittersieg in Saarbrücken

Thanks Christian Mathania has been recruited by 1. FC Nürnberg and his new coach Miroslav Klose by the DFB-Pokalschreck 1. FC Saarbrücken in the first run of the legal campaign. The Club brauchte dafür beim Drittligisten alldings das Elevenmeterschießen, das 5:3 nach a 1:1 nach Verlengerung gewannnn. The wayward Ersatzkeeper Mathenia has helped the divorced Schuss of Saarbrücken’s Captain Manuel Zeitz, one of the FCN players.

“Beim Elfer is a lucky thing for the Torwart. You will sit in an Ecke with a clear conscience – I hate the luck on my page in the fall”, said the 32-year-old. “Our boy has a Überzeugung shot and the important heart has been marked.”

The Czech Michal Sevcik brought the Zweitligists from Franconia into the Führung in the 12th minute. Joker Kai Brünker scored in the 80. Minutes watch Ausgleich.

Sadness to begin with

The Nürnberger attaches a weight to the first Halbzeit. Sevcik glänzte with a Traumtor in the Shop at 20 Metern and brought them Zweitligisten nor more Security. In the 37th minute, Torwart Phillip Menzel hindered the 0:2 through Kanji Okunuki.

The Saarländer hate the seasons in the Ludwigspark Eintracht Frankfurt, the FC Bayern Munich and Borussia Mönchengladbach are swooning. Erst in the semi-final against the 1. FC Kaiserslautern war after a 0:2-Niederlage Schluss.

Dreaming Ball Desire

As the Nürnbergs, the people with ball-loving zu kämpfen hatten, Saarbrücken stiffened after a good Stunde Spielzeit den Druck. The FCS liked the idea of ​​an FCN-Abwehr for Schlussmann Mathenia to knacker. The routine player of Zweitliga-Stammkeeper Jan Reichert in all Pokal-Partien vertreifen – and must in the final phase but neither hinter sich grifen: Brünker glich with a sehenswerten Volley-Abnahme in Fallen aus and rettete signal Team in the Verlengerung.

“With the support I have over our lifetime, and with the added benefit of having our own lives,” the Ex-Weltmeister Klose nach dem Nervenspiel bilanzierte Ex-Weltmeister Klose nach dem Nervenspiel. “There are a few phases in which you have played a long ball. When I’m around there’s a mentality and I said that.”

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