
Is it a shame that the nuclear weapon state continues?

Is it a shame that the nuclear weapon state continues?

If the further expansion of nuclear weapons does not stop, man can still be separated and together.

US intelligence chief Avril Haines warned that Russia would tap into the Ukrainian economy with the Ukrainian war, a longer-term arrangement for China, North Korea and Iran, which has been able to reach another long-term arrangement of non-spreading.

Inhabitant is that von Meaning? The theory of the theory is that the theory contains a certain amount of skeptical behavior of the Atomwaffen. If you do this, this expansion is a stabilizing factor that can do your job. If the Atomwaffen is connected to a Grund-dafür, it has not become a war since 1945, so with this argument the effect can probably be exerted on a regional Ebene. India and Pakistan acquired a nuclear weapon weight in the 1990s and suffered a catastrophic event.

Do you want to waltz a new Besonnenheit in a world of “nuclear weapons Stachelschweine”? US President John F. Kennedy said nothing. In March 1963 he declared:

“In the fight against the military and human history of war, in the leader of the war as a peaceful settlement, and the vision of the Tatsache, the atomic weapons will be widespread and available throughout the world and a people who will help a Niederlage will see that the possibility, that the President of the United States in the 1970s with a world confrontation that in the 15, 20 or 25 countries occupied these weapons. I promise that I have taken a great risk and have taken high risks.“

While Kennedy was reporting on the Verbot observation nuclear weapon tests a year ago and leaving the preliminary drafts for the Atomic Weapons Barrier Treaty (NVV) of 1968, from 191 to 191 years, the nice atomic states of the treaties – the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, France and China – committed themselves to looking into the further expansion of atomic weapons, and the 186 other members were careful not to develop any weapons of this kind.

New nuclear weapons states

Israel, India and Pakistan refuse, the NVV uses an atomic weapon; North Korea has abandoned production, but then it has become a nuclear program.

Damit concerns the sum of the atomically armed states of the time new. It is an ideal way, but we can also have it as well as Kennedy gives his opinion. Before you undo the rules of argumentation, it is so that the Geschwindingkeit of the Weiterverbreitung is used with the Anzahl der Staaten, the Bombe besitzen, the calculableness that Aussichten on the Achievement of Stability erhöht.

Saudi Arabia controls the Atom Waffs, but Iran then dies. Kommt is regionally a catastrophic new atomic state, which increases the Wahrscheinlichkeit of Unfällen and Fehleinschätzungen erheblich.

Avril Haines was active in Iran and North Korea. Both countries were subject to UN sanctions imposed by China, Russia and the West.

Bis vor Kurzem blickte auch Russland auf een lange Geschichte der Nichtverbreitung zurück. The country does not yet have the Atomwaffen technology, which appeared in 1978 on the Leitlinie of the Nuclear Material Lieferländer from 1978. Nun aber, de Wladimir Putin zur Fortführung seines Krieges in der Ukraine von North-Korean Waffenlieferungen abhängig wird, hater Russland Cooperation im Bereich der Nichtweiterverbreitung beendet.

Shared collaboration

Iran has long been engaged in a nuclear weapons program. The regime was conceived, the production of blast furnace equipment led to the construction of an atomic weapons arsenal to be stopped. While Russia sat on the Iranian Drohnen, China on the Iranian countryside and Donald Trump 2018, who swallowed up the nuclear economies of Tehran, the international community with its non-verbreitung here is done.

While the man from the United States, Russia had not ended up in the Ukraine, the Ukraine would have taken over the Atomwaffen in an hour after the Collapse of the Soviet Union. So if this Anna festivizes, the Aussichten for the Nichtverbreitung is again worsened.

It is one of the most common circumstances. Situation: After the oil crisis in 1973, the View for the World must be dominated by nuclear energy. If there is more (false) glaze, then the world of uranium waste has disappeared, while you use part of the plutonium – a product of the uranium palt in nuclear reactors.

The Griffin to Plutonium

The damaging predictions were passed in 1990 in 46 Ländern Plutonium wiederaufbeeiten würde. In this fall the world is flooded with the weapon-capable material with the risks of the expansion of nuclear weapons and nuclear terrorism that has catastrophic consequences.

The 1974 war, when the first state broke out the core of the atomic weapons, led to a “fried atomic explosion” during the war. Kurz said that Frankisch has been given a plutonium preparation facility in Pakistan, where Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto has roamed his country as if it were grass, as if it were a nuclear monopole in South Africa.

In the war in Late America Germany won a Urananreicherungssanlage and Brazil, and Argentina gained the Erwb von Plutonium. There are many other countries in the Pacific who in the course of time have seen an atomic Wettrusten in the Ganges at the end of the road.

Glücklicherweise is not like that. US President Jimmy Carter expressed a policy of non-breeding, with the dynamics of Vorgänge-verlangsamen. Since the 1970s, we have lived in more countries since atomic bombs developed.

Carter’s Bemuehungs

While all the people went out, the man was no longer able to wage war, Carter other opinion. Thanks to the government that made the deal between France and Pakistan and the German-Brazilian-American reality became. The US sets up an international commission for building nuclear weapons, where the Tendenz zur Reinforcement of Plutonium and the Einsatz of the “Brute Treaktoren” zurückging.

Wherever one is concerned with the feasibility of non-expansion, one should think of this teaching from history. If the further expansion is not stopped, it may be that it is no longer possible. And that may be separate.

Discussion: Helga Klinger-Groier
Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2024

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The Author


Joseph S. Nye is a professor at Harvard University and a great representative of the US Secretary of State. Zuletzt erchien von ihm: “A Life in the American Century” (Polity Press, 2024).

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