
Gewittetter and Starkregen in Saxony

Gewittetter and Starkregen in Saxony

Whitened with Starkregen is a sonntag in one of the Tiefs of West nach Ostüber Sachsen sucked. Illegal warnings are in place in the Laufe des Tages for all regions. In the lower center of the Ministries of the Interior, the report of the über-überschwemmte Straßen and Keller voller Wasser »from all Landkreisen« is gab.

There is heavy traffic in the Landeshauptstadt Dresden, with a message from the meteorological service of the German Wetterdienst (DWD) in Leipzig.

While the Fire Department took a break, there was a road full of air-conditioned Keller, umgestürzter Bäume, überfluteter Straßen, full-laufener Tiefgaragen and Unterführungen, also in the Landkreisen Meißen as well as Saxon Switzerland-Osterzgebirge, who spoke a speaker. All robbers and volunteers Wehren des Gebiets seien im Einsatz.

Pregnancy break at the Dresden City Festival

The Dresdner Stadtfest would interrupt the illegals for a stunde. After the organizers of all the actions had started, the people were discussed and talked. From 22:00 the Abschlussfeuerwerk can no longer be performed.

Laut DWD comb in Pillnitz in Dresdner East with 71 liters pro Quadratmeter pro Stunde die landesweit größte Menge Rain herunter, im beachbarten Stadtteil Hosterwitz 51 Liter and in Dippoldiswalde 41 Liter, say the DWD-Meteorology. “The Gewitter were received during the night, but can’t get any grim rain either,” said the Meteorology.

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