
Trump: Anrufer in ARD-Sendung äußert brisante These – “Auch Hitler”

Trump: Anrufer in ARD-Sendung äußert brisante These – “Auch Hitler”

The ARD Press Club is about the Mordans on Trump and follows the debate between the US and the US. I started the discussion round with journalists who ask questions, ask excerpts and give their opinion. The format “Presseclub nachgefragt”, directly on the Anschluss and the Hauptsendung, is sent to Phoenix and sent to WDR 5.

+++ Also interesting: Trump Fans Rain Down Their ‘Day Show’ – They Are Full-Fledged +++

One of the explanations is that the host in the studio is a moderator of Ellen Ehni.

‘Trump is also a threat to democracy’

Another message that appeared on the phone is that the media has pronounced a “fahren for democracy” after Trump’s attention. There are differences and a few explosive Vergleich:

“That is a very serious matter. Now in that fall it becomes an idea that Herr Donald Trump has given a speech for democracy. And the Frage muss erlaubt sein, ob man nicht… yes, I ich sage mal so: Auch Adolf Hitler sollte schon for signaler Kanzlerschaft gotötet zijn. A little less true than the world has become different.”

Respond in the press club

+++ Reader’s Answer: ZDF-Mann looks after Trump’s attention – but it will be more appropriate with justice +++

Der Anrufer meint insulted Hitler’s Anschlagsplan in 1932, while the Unbekannte das Essen poisoned Hitlers in the Berliner Hotel “Kaiserhof”. No one would be seriously left behind.

Moderator sees clear red line in Hitler comparison

Moderator Ehni marked a direct line from Linie: “Den Vergleich wollen here fellleicht so not seehen between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump.”

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Christoph von Marschall of the “Tagesspiegel”, who sits in the “Presseclub” rune, clearly states that he is a “greater follower of civilisation”, “who in the political power struggle of the Stimmzettel is the ball-reset hat”.

While Trump’s journalists are a fahren for democracy, while the waltency does not exist, it is a principle of the freedom of democracy in democracy. Man is proud of the fact that “there are two aspects of the Gefahr durch Gewehr-Gewalt in der Demokratie und der Gefahr, die Leute darstellen können, die sich nicht an die Regeln halten.”