
After the Einzug von Elena Miras flies the Fetzen!

After the Einzug von Elena Miras flies the Fetzen!

Elena Miras is busy with the summer of the summer camp – and makes sure that a fierce Zoff arises! Shortly after the long time with Georgina Fleur and my next Tag gab is a fierce battle with Hanka Rackwitz – this one drohte then with the Auszug aus dem Camp.

Day 4 in the gang – and the promise is a fact. Elena has a big problem with her enormous problems and a huge night spent, which has spent her life for a long time. After the Deeptalk comes to the battle of the women: Danni and Giulia in a cooking duel. If you can only start once, break all the damsels. Also with Elena and Hanka power are eager. Derweil with Gigi in the “Aunt-dilemma-laden” of Jungleshopping suited.

Hanka Rackwitz starts a relationship with Elena Miras

Directly after Elenas Einzug flies the Fetzen! Hanka feels as Team Chief no longer taken seriously and hurt, the camp is voluntarily to be lost. Hanka Rackwitz fled through Elena Miras in the air. “I actually have nothing to say, I just wanted to show that I am the Chef”, said the TV-Maklerin. Elena Miras reacted with an irritating “What?”. Elena Miras continued: “It is a community, not a chef position. (…) If I do something, it is not that it is the chef and is separated. My Chef is nobody here!”

Hanka Rackwitz at the Kragen market: “A fair portion of Demut, when a man is new to a Gruppe-kommt, is as good as he is. There is an answer, orderly a number of things and an answer.” Dann hat sie een Wunsch an ihre Konkurrentin: “Elena, ich möchte, dass du am ersten Tag deines ein bisschen ruhiger wirst.” Elena Miras thinks that jedoch gar nicht daran: „ That is the best Witz: Also come in Camp and muss noch ruhig signal. So cousin.”

Elena Miras spoke about her depression

At the lagerfeuer Thorsten is from a night for 20 years busy drinking and setting alcohol on the heater. One of our Elena’s focuses on her: She focuses on her depressions and her great weight saving is the inspiration that still occupies her.

I have a Tag with Danni new Team-Chefin. My first Amtshandlung: Giulia the Kochjob entziehen. It is a big challenge and it ends up on the Streit, in that case the Kader is einschaltet. We share Gigi in the „Aunt-dilemma-laden“ with Dschungelshopping and: Below others place crocodile, fox and fish traps on his shopping list. And the result is 9 stars for the team.

RTL said that the Dschungelcamp tag at 20:15 Uhr. The following page is a tag available at RTL+.