
Tauber-Tunnel as relevant Schlüsselstelle for Stromautobahn

Tauber-Tunnel as relevant Schlüsselstelle for Stromautobahn

For the Bau der Stromtrasse SuedLink, the Tauber should not be answered. Special machines with 860 meter long horizontal spülbohrungs for the three required cables.

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The Suedlink

“SuedLink” is 700 kilometers long and has a Investment summary von zehn Milliarden Euro eines der größten Infrastructure providers of the Energy transition. There will be a Gleichstrom-Erdkabelverbindung for the Windreichen regions by the end of 2028 Northern Germany with Bayern and Baden-Württemberg Connect.

I think that the Planfeststellungsbeschluss is hereditary. Ab da bestht Baurecht zwischen Grossrinderfeld and Bad Friedrichshall. Pre-sucked Baumaßnahmen hat die Federal Network schon in voorfeld gehmigt. It is a question of a kind of closed questions, for example horizontal movements, and the schüpfbach or an der Tauber. dib

Lauda-Königshofen. The Bohranlage direkt an der B 290 continues monotonously for itself. One of the Spitze des tonschweren Kolosses wartet the new blue Bohrkopf on its Einsatz. Nor is anything in Stahlrohr a fact. The factory worker is lighter than the 150 ton load, but can happen exactly once. Benjamin Krüger, manager at Bauherr TransnetBW and responsible for the Abschnitt der SuedLink-Trasse, as well as Jochen Eidel, Gesamtprojektleiter at Leonhard Weiß, was busy with the start of the Bohrung.

20 meters below the water pipe

Beginning of July with the processing of the new national company Van Leuwwen, the horizontal operation (HDD) under the Tauber preparation and realization. The specialists are well on their way and have had a lot of trouble. In general, two power cables and a “bundle” control cable for the SuedLink runs 20 meters under the river bed – and for each cable a separate Bohrloch would be required.

Rund 860 Meter liegen auf de Start an der Tauberaue bij Lauda und dem Zielpunkt am nördlichen Parkplatz an der B 290. De Tauberunterquerung will ebenso wie de Arbeiten am Schüpfbach are van de previous maßnahmen in Zuge der SuedLink-Realisierung. However, the plans for the development of the Stromtraße between Brunsbüttel and Großgartach are not absolved. Damit rechnen die Verantwortlichen im Herbst.

“We are drilling from both sides a bit differently,” Jochen Eidel says in detail to Leonhard Weiß. Seven meters per hour the installation is cut. The middle ground has hit both drilling channels and now shows a through-going rudder. However, it is not possible to do this in one go. “After the pilot drilling with a throughput of 250 millimeters, one or more automatic cleaning of the rudder up to 650 millimeters has followed. A cleaning can take place that cannot be removed by the geology.” If you want to know or you are not sure, so TransnetBW Discharge Manager Benjamin Krüger.

In the soil a rusty steel housing with a good housing is made. Essential as protection, a Bohrloch in the soft soil layers stabilizes, damn that Lockergestein in the upper layers during the subterranean work cannot fall on the Bohrgestange. As soon as the rock layer is there, one can get a view. At the same time the rod has another important task: A water well requires every kind of water, that does not dare to melt in the subterranean.

Pointed voices

In the larger quantities are a few smaller quantities, smaller quantities, the filling, the filling for the drilling rods in the housing. “So the Bohrer can get an idea of ​​a verkantet nicht”, while Fachbauleiter Andreas Dietze explains. It is said about the mud motor, while the rollers of the wheels are a little lighter. “Damit ist das Steuern möglich.” The function is a sender, the mud motor is verbal. With the joystick, the machine can straighten the entire container with the instruments to millimeters and see, what the Bohrer also finds.

After 110 meters in length, the installation of the bohrkopf begins with its own Spülbohrung. Because the water is pumped into the Röhre, the permanent threat of the Rollmeissel period. A hydraulic schnecke is driven by the large brooch of the water by the water used on the Tage. The gray schlammen and the rock boulders were blown up in a small Becken.

“The waste would then be led into the recycling facility,” as Dietze explains. By using the filter and the filter, the laundry is sorted and the water is brought into the Kreislauf. “It is the case that few resources are used,” Benjamin Krüger complains. The smaller problem is that there is a weathering, while the large pieces are cut, after a test in a soil preparation facility.

For these HDD devices that have used the Trinkwasser system and the tank loader, there is a “washer protection area”, so Jochen Eidel. That is the precedence of the belongings. The water drain in the shielding zone can be used as a detergent. It is wise to lie in the history of the Bohrlöcher, but a source of the Wasserversorgung Mittlere Tauber and the Distelhäuser Brauerei.

“Blow out” in sight

If one of the dreams is a great run, then it is a matter of “Ausbläser” a simple hat. So the Fachleute Wasseraustritte from the Spülbohrverfahren, die und de Oberfläche gelangen. On a field or on the road it’s not that bad. Vermeidbar since solche Havarien nicht, but the Crew is ready. Sandsäcke and Strohballen are sturdy, a washer in Ernstfall is a challenge. It became problematic when the gray Matsch ended up in a water flight, Matthias Kupke. There is the Schnittstelle zischen Bauunternehmen and Landwirten. Glück fell at the Unterquerung des Schüpfbachs. The “Ausbläser” 300 metres from the Bohrung leads a way up.

Don’t let the water come out of the Boden. “We are happy to have a healthy environment with good health. If an Ausbläser sits in an unterirdische Höhle Austritt, he notices that the Druckabfall is in the Bohrkanal“, so Krüger. The Maschinenführer can feel better, who of the Druck and Stelle in Bohrloch is his most important, ergänzt Dietze.

The second Bohr channel with a net weight of 70 tons is located at the Tauberaue, directly at the cycle path. With a 300-ton powertrain, it is doubled in a small Schwester. Once the time has come, when the cables are broken and extended, the cable protections are built in from the steel cable. “We actually only have a test, the work must follow in a slide. If a standstill can occur at the Bohr Canal, Dietze can solve the German problems. The steel tube goes along the road, while it is sucked through the Hohlraum, at 860 meters altitude there is a south point that can step on the Day.

First, the machine can be modified and the wiring for starting the following cables can be carried out. Jeweils zwölf Meter liegt die einzelnen Kabel auseinander. “Deshalb power is that Sache auch so langwierig”, say the Fachleute von Leonhard Weiß. And in that special autumn there was no change: after the Tauber left the Railway Line, the question was no longer answered. Damit soll in January started – wenn everything gut läuft.

The vehicle with the water tanks is no longer in Distelhausen, but can follow the route over the railway bridge at Lauda Nehmen in August. The machine works with a “bridge-over-the-bridge construction” for a 40-ton lbw ertüchtigt. “The bridge builder by Leonhard Weiß is hit”, the krüger and the eidel of the planning and the Ausführung, which must follow quickly. The statistics of the railway bridge are no longer applicable.

Bridges over the bridges

Now that the Behelfsbrücke has developed a steel construction, the unique structure is spanned, but it is not the case that it is connected. Krüger needs more information about the constructive work of the railway in the city of Tauberbischofsheim and Lauda-Königshofen during the joint planning and construction phase.

Cycle path remains blocked

For further work and the Tauberaue that appear on the Radweg, nor until Ende 2025. Bauherr TransnetBW und Baufirma Leonhard Weiß appellieren und de Vernunft der Radfahrer, de Schilder zu berücksichtigen und de Umleitungsstrecke auf der alles Tauberseite zu usefulen. “It is one of the Sicherheit der Radfahrer und der Mitarbeitenden vor Ort.” Neben dem Baustellenverkehr is due to heavy traffic, power Matthias Kupke deutlich, that is, more comfortable zu Beinahe-Unfällen with Radfahrern come sei. Mögliche „Ausweichrouten“ sees the Bewirtschaftern der Felder vorbehalten. “Wir wollen den Radweg so quickly wieder öffnen”, Benjamin Krüger gives the Soul Direction for. Allerdings müsse is so long lasting, whoever Baustellenverkehr herrscht. The companies often work on Wednesdays.