
A studio in the land of Berlin Fashion Week and Shoppingsender

A studio in the land of Berlin Fashion Week and Shoppingsender

“Mode muss Spaß machen,” said Eva Lutz and Strahlt Dabei. The love and leadership of fashion has not been lost since the age of 65. In the studio of the Gutshof Strehlhof near Volkach, around Entwürfen, Stoffmustern and Kleidungsstücken, you can see the house. Here it is now for credit, if you, together with her assistant Sarah Kaldewey, get the help of your gelernt hat, entwirft your collections under the label “Eva Lutz” for the Shoppingsender QVC.

The collaboration has the designer started a few years ago, after he has persevered his years with fashion label Minx-verkauft hatte. These things are busy with the man for 35 years at the Strehlhof, in the Spitze with 80 minutes. So sweet German models like Franziska Knuppe for the Minx Fashion Show during Berlin Fashion Week over the Laufsteg and were the Crème de la Crème of the German Prominenz in the first Reihe with Boris Becker or Nena amazed. This fashion will win Lutz 2019 with the “Best of Fashion Award”.

My heritage began over 50 years in the Heimatstadt Aub near Würzburg. Dort Wuchs is in common with his four Geschwistern auf en nähte schon with zwolf Jahren his first own Kleidung auf der Nähmaschine ihrer Mutter. “Is hat mir von Anfang an Spaß gemacht”, erzählt die 65-Jährige.

From the pike to: Schneiderlehre and Studium

With 15 years it is possible that Hemden is used for your Brüder generation and that the first Aufträge of other Leuten angenommen. Damit stood before the party: “I will learn from the Pike.” Also hat is a Schneiderlehre gemacht and anschließend in Munich Design studyrt.

After finding a new job at Basler Fashion in Aschaffenburg, before 1981 in the newly founded Firma Minx in Würzburg. A year later he continued his life and his life at Hanns Arnold, on 1988 at Ehemann and at Mit-Inhaber Peter Lehmann, who ran an external company and relocated the companies at the Strehlhof. While Lutz was affiliated for the Entwürfe, both gentlemen became involved in everything commercial, the production process and the sales.

1989 gründeten sie zeetzlich de Marke Sallie Sahne and boats damit auch Fashion in larger Konfektionsgrößen and. For Eva Lutz, diversity in fashion is enormous. “My fashion is for all women”, he says. During the Berlin Fashion Week 2016, this Grund hat was one of the first Designers to be Curvy Models (Größe 44 plus) and a Best Ager Model (40 years plus) and was gilded as one of the Vorreiterinnen in the Fashion Industry.

In this mode, the designer considers everything quality and quality. “Jedes Kleidungsstück muss sich gut anfühlen and bequem sein, soss man is gene de gezen Tag trägt”, erklärt sie. You die of gewährleisten, resistance is nach who regularly on Stoffmessen, a dort his new dust auszusuchen.

Persistent Favorite Steeples

“I am a very haptic person and I have to deal with dust and fuss. So I am happy, have dust and be curious about it.” Solche Stoffe sees the recovery process as useful, so Lutz continues. “Darüber hinaus ist es mein Ziel, Lieblingsteile zu krreieren, die meine Kundinnen über Jahre hindweg anziehen.” This is a more important step towards solving the problem. If you revamp your corporate identity, it will no longer be “überdekoriert”, become smaller, classic and not so great, and the man can make even more other combinations.

This stylish hat has been available at Minx for 35 years and is featured on the Eva Lutz Label for QVC. But why this change? “Minx was a great time. We moved a lot, achieved a lot and had a great team,” she says warmly. “But it’s war, of course, and it’s amplified.” If they’re both at the party, the Firm will do their job. And if the offer comes, it’s a great experience.

2021 beats then the TV-Sender QVC and Lutz’ Tür. Although it was a skeptical war, it would go with the Geschäftsführern sister. After a long time of talking and the care for the reconfiguration of their line and sustainable quality it is as simple as possible – and it is never done.

Encourage the purchases: Slow down

“I was surprised by the quality at QVC,” he said. “If you find out that it is good, the QVC is no longer available or not available, but in the sale it is sold again.” If I did not know what my job is at Minx, I would not have found the company, but the organization noticed that she was not in the company now, it was their lifelong power: designed fashion. For everything else QVC can do.

Before you can set your new collection, you can live in the farmhouse yourself. While the mache fell in the hour, the team and the atmosphere were so great that it went well in 65 years. “Of course it is good, direct feedback from my customers about the demand.” If we are so positive and stimulate sales, the first thing we can achieve in the future.

A collection of the graftwerfen, which was continued by Eva Lutz, was an intensive study and an intensive occupation: the preparation of the undertaking continued in the “higher phase”, in the separation that took place, the high color and the schnitte were corrected. This is a greater power, see a man and a man. Let yourself be inspired by everything: on Fashion Shows, Exhibitions or the Street. “If I have a feeling of insanity, it is in the mode better and was better,” he said.

For your “creative center” you will find everything in the Ruhe. If you do not do it anymore, you should stay in Strehlhof. “I also like the city and my inspirations in the fashion metropolises of this world, but I simply love country life”, he said. The Ruhe and nature are one of the most stressful jobs, for example jogging, yoga, running and traveling.

“I love my country life!”

Eva Lutz has a stressful job

When Eva Lutz has her family and friends, it is probably time to work. With my man hat is a patchwork family with four children and eight single children. Two of your single beds can become a little lighter. And where would it be that it is a big step towards your grandmother?