
End the „Sturm der Liebe“: DAS erwartet Fans in the new Folgen

End the „Sturm der Liebe“: DAS erwartet Fans in the new Folgen

It’s still a matter of fact: “Sturm der Liebe” will be fun after the XXL Summer Break! Fans will experience mixed drama, fresh faces and exciting love stories…

Zum einen steht die Rückkehr von Markus an den Fürstenhof. Before we know that the Zuschauer von Markus Schwarzbach (Timo Ben Schöfer) verabschieden. After you open the hotel stay and the lies with Katja (Isabell Stern), this is no longer the case in the Fürstenhof. No wonder, it’s not before the big summer break, Bichlheim is gone. It seems like it will be a thing of the past for ever – but we are happy! Watch the „Sturm der Liebe“-Podcast on Instagram-Einblicke vom Set the best comeback.


  • Since 2005, the Soap has been released and gilded as a follow-up product, working with the European Fernsehserie.
  • The series is produced by Bavaria Fiction and is being shipped more than 20 times.
  • The first trauma couple were Henriette Richter-Röhl and Gregory B. Waldis in the roles of “Laura” and “Alexander”.
  • “Stay” is the title song of the telenovela and is sung by German singer Curly.
  • The “Fürstenhof” is located in the Wahrheit Gar Kein Hotel, under a private Anwesen in Oberbayern. It will not be possible to solve the problem now.

Vincent or Philipp?

The lovers find themselves Ana (Soluna-Delta Kokol) still in Love-Chaos switzerland Vincent (Martin Walde) and Philipp (Robin Schick). While Vincent was a Katjas Love-kämpfte before the summer break, he warned that Ana had no fun for Philipp-hat yet. Is it possible that the trauma fraud remains separated at the end of the scale?

Christoph and Alexandra: Neuzugang soll für Unruhe sogen

Not only with Ana appears in Love Things while an Up and Down to be born, also between Christoph (Dieter Bach) and Alexandra (Daniela Käfer) bahnt sich das nächste Drama and. One of the ARDs that experienced the new time after the summer break was that Alexandra and Christoph’s Heiratsantrag left the past, but so harmonious did not last long. Another image, the bald man at the Fürstenhof, will break everything. When you act and use the function of these figures in the “Sturm der Liebe”, it is all not clear.

The new Folgen von “Sturm der Liebe” is informed (August 19, 2024) wieder gewohnt um 15:10 Uhr von Montag bis Freitag im Ersten.

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