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Greg and Flo want to have a fight. And let it go well again. Flo and his Eltern can know Greg’s Father and Mother. That brought Greg into enormous schwierigkeiten. There is no Eltern for the last time and building a mithilfe seiner Freunde is a lugengerüst: false Eltern for the real Flo; a false Flo for that real Eltern. The chaos does not last long and ends in the hand. Greg (Philippe Lacheau) and Flo (Élodie Fontan) are a couple of beautiful things, and Greg’s Firm,, is Geschichte. There is no air supply carried out and the installation of the firm on the condition for your inspiration carried out. provided its knowledge and skills with a suitable listening experience and diverse listeners who spent a real time. Greg has no problem, on you see that the flower is probably in Lebens. But night and night, Langeweile has been sucked into the Alltag. There are many tenants involved in Schiffsmodelle. If you are in your empty state, your brand samkeit will be erring. Then power Greg is an heir, the Flo is destroyed. Gregs started Schwiegereltern Gérard (Didier Bourdon) and Marlène (Nathalie Baye) with the high time commitment. Gregs Eltern is of course naturally with the great Ereignis dabei sein. But again neither Flo nor ihre Eltern has known the Familienzuwachs to date. Aus gutem Grund! Gregs Mutter Appoline (Arielle Dombasle) is erotic film-Darstellerin and his Vater Daniel (Gérard Jugnot) Gauner and Kleinkrimineller. Greg sees himself moved, so that he can finish his time. All this has nothing to do with the fact that Flos Familie and his real children have another problem with welding. There is a search on for another friend Medhi (Tarek Boudali) and Augustin (Julien Arruti) bitten to Help. Greg will make Flo, Marlène and Gérard a mistake, but angemesseneres Eltern few presentations. Before the time was up, everything that was made up for Greg was, but then it fell double in the air. Finally, it runs at two high times with different families on two barbed foundation pieces of hinaus, complete with false parents and straight men as well as false parents and straight men. Including Medhi, Augustin and Greg are busy with all their professional forces to end the Ganze in a huge chaos. I have to part and Greg said that he had his high time with Hugo once. Fortsetzung from “”, it is not a tempo and the witz break. Free-TV premiere of both films “” on service day, August 20, 2024, in the ZDFmediathek versügbar.

TV movie value

  • Spass

  • Action

  • Lined

  • Tension

  • Answer


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