
die wichtigsten Facten zu Affenpocken

die wichtigsten Facten zu Affenpocken

The new Variante is now available for purchase. The WHO has created an international Notlage. Droht a new pandemic?

Beim derzeitigen Ausbruch von Mpox-Viren stecken sich besonders kostenlos Kinder und Jugendliche an.

Beim derzeitigen Ausbruch von Mpox-Viren stecken sich besonders kostenlos Kinder und Jugendliche an.

Arlette Bashizi / Reuters

It is likely that the Congo-Kinshasa will be affected by an epidemic with the virus. All these years were spent in Central Africa with more than 15,000 inspected persons covered. Allerdings does not always act in terms of labor quality. In the last few weeks, the indigenous peoples of Congo-Kinshasa reported the first fall of Mpox. Am Donnerstag (15. August 2024) identifiziert sweden als erstes europäisches Land einen Fall von Mpox-Viren aus Zentralafrika. One tag about the world health organization angesichts der raschen Verbreitung in Zentralafrika den internationalen Gesundheitsnotstand ausgerufen.

Was since Mpox-Viren, and why did you go to Affenpocken?

Mpox-Viren since enge Verwandte since 1980 weltweit ausgerottten Menschenpocken. Mpox-Viren were born as early as 1958 when they were picked up and subsequently removed. But they also come with other animals in tropical forests in West and Central Africa for: Eichhornen, Rats, some others. Forscher gehen davon aus, dass Affen nicht die Hauptwirte sind. This is the Weltgesundheitsorganisation at the end of 2022 in Mpox.

Are there any unknown variants?

Yes, there are two families of Mpox-Viren, in Fachjargon as Kladen bezeichnet. Class I occupies Central Africa, Class II in West Africa. Klade I screams about the ways of the higher ups, Sterblichkeit als gefährlicher.

The Low is clearly visible at a glance. Today: In September last year, I lived in the province of Kivu in the East of Congo-Kinshasa and there was a new variant of Klade I developed, which I would like to see. These new variants are often used for more information about the disease and support for all children and young people so that they can cope better with the virus.

The Mpox variant, which came into the world in January 2022, originates from West Africa, which was born in the Klade II family. Weltweit es immer noch vereinzelte Infektionen damit. Zudem grassiert in Zentralafrika weiterhin die alte Virusvariante der Klade-I-Familie.

Mpox Virus gilts are stable and also – in the context of Corona and Grippeviren – now see new Virus Variants.

Who became Mpox-Viren übertragen?

Wild animals can be found via Bisse oder beit der Beitung von erlegten Tieren auf Menschen überspringen. These people are also directly in contact with our surroundings, but also during our stay in the great outdoors, they are also involved in playing with our kisses and in general contact with Betten. The majority of the connections are made, we are sure that the points are close to the main contact surface and that the enthaltene secret is in a home or that the Schleimhaut a healthy person ends. In the winzigen Menge an Pustelsekret since Millionen active Viren vorhanden.

Since the person who lives in the body is happy with sperm and blood, it is also possible to have sex contact. Sex is safe also for HIV, but not for sexual health. A solution for small aerosols that are not exposed to Corona.

Derzeit verbreitet ich Mpox besonders strong in Flüchtlingslagern with prekären sanitären Bedingungen. In the East of Congo-Kinshasa there are more than one million people living in war.

What are the symptoms?

Spätestens three weeks after the infection usually shows their unspecific symptoms: Fieber, Head and Neck, strong swollen Lymph nodes, Muscle and Rückenschmerzen as well as Schlappheit. Few days then develop into a home away from home. Since it is now brightest there is Pickel. These fill themselves with secrets and tears so that they can shine through. After two weeks, these two weeks were gone, and the pictures themselves were born. 2022 you will discover more about your care in the world and your genitals.

Aufnahmen, die die britischen Gesundheitsbehörden zur Verfügung gestellt haben, zegen dat ze zen die zijn Erscheinungsbild von Affenpocken auf der Haut (1. July).

Aufnahmen, die die britischen Gesundheitsbehörden zur Verfügung gestellt haben, zegen dat ze zen die zijn Erscheinungsbild von Affenpocken auf der Haut (1. July).

UK Health Security Agency via Reuters

Is it misleading?

Yes, you can use two materials with Mpox. After all, since LC16, we are currently recovering in Japan and will be happy with our arrival in 2022. Der zweite Impfstoff, MVA-BN, kommt von der Firma Bavarian-Nordic. In Germany and Switzerland, it is possible to make improvements. A single source of support is provided for men, who have sex with men, and trans persons with strong sexual partners.

Die largest Vorräte der Impfstoffe haben currently Länder wie die USA. Diese haben bereits beefstoffspenden nach Afrika angekündigt. The Africa Centers for Disease (CDC) have received more than 200,000 doses of the trade magazine in the Bavarian-Nordic region. This has an effective effect on production, production in Congo-Kinshasa and the neighboring countries of the General Director of Africa CDC with more Millions of Professional Magazines. Laut Tim Nguyen von der WHO stehen derzeit insgesamt 500 000 Impfdosen vom MVA-BN-Impfstoff zum Kauf bereit. More than 2.4 million could be produced at the end of the year, and the production process would be complete.

Herausfordernd were also financed as well as the Durchführung einer Impfkampagne, which in itself would contain the epidemic in a Kriegsgebiet.

Auch der Klassische Impfstoff gegen die Menschenpocken ist gegen Mpox wirksam. Dieser wird roads der häufigen Nebenwirkungen aber nicht als Schutz gegen Mpox verimpft. If you were born before 1970, you may be in danger of being unable to do so, but there is no protection against the protection of the future.

Who enjoys health benefits?

Selten. In the rule, a Mpox-Erkrankung inklusive der Hautläsionen after two three weeks ab. But they could also be covered in wounds and in the following bacterial infections. Since those Augen are concerned, there can be some Hornhautschäden oder gar Sehverlust. Bei Kindern und immungeschwächten Personen kann es zu eentödlichen Organversagen kommen.

An Viren der Zentralafrikanischen Klade I die in Afrika ungefahr 1 bis 5 von 100 erkrankten Erwachsenen und bis zu 10 von 100 infizierten Kindern. Allerdings is the Dunkelziffer an Infizierten gerade in Zentralafrika sehr hoch. Therefore, it is not possible to say that the person who has the best quality of life is wirklich. And the Mpox-Viren from West Africa died in Africa with “nur” 1 to 3 out of 100 patients.

Bei dem weltweiten Ausbruch von Mpox 2022 with knapp 90 000 entdeckten Infektionen kam es zu 140 Todesfällen. That’s a quote for 1.5 out of 1000 patients.

Is it medicine?

No, but there is no therapy, which is still normal.

Various medications, which can be used for the human pockets, could be well-groomed with the Mpox halves. This means that my children can continue their studies.

In a new study of American health care, the health of medical care and health care was tested. There were about 600 people who were sick because of the Klade-I-Variante des Mpox-Virus. The treatment cannot change the cause of the symptoms. In the context of the study, they are also treated in the group as well as in the placebo group, if only 2 out of 100 sick people died. That’s not the case since those officials lose their sights. After all, you have to be prepared to spend your life in a medical home with the care you need and your health care facility and good care for your future life.

Worauf sollten Reisende nun verstärkt eighten?

If you travel to the affected area in Africa, you can protect yourself in the middle. Dazu gehört in erster Linie, engen Hautkontakt und sexuelle Kontakte möglichst zu girls. That is especially important, we are concerned about the care that we have with our care.

This is the best way to do this, so you can take care of the risks involved, so that you can also take care of yourself. This is important for all people who travel in the healthy environment and enjoy personal health.

Please note that there are currently no infections with new Mpox variants. Traveling in other regions of the world, it is important to meet some special destinations at the moment. Take the time to travel to Congo-Kinshasa and consider that your German journey will take place during your travels.

Is a new pandemic looming?

If you don’t know what to expect, this means that the pandemic will come with a virus. Dafür sprechen verschiedene Argumente.

Since the Ausbreitung nur über engen Haut- oder Sexualcontact stattfindet and not über the Luft, could Übertragungen deutlich einfacher behinderd, if that is Sars-CoV-2 of the fall. In Europe, there are only a few people living in the open space, and this Ausbreitung here was very welcome. This is important because the first infections could quickly occur and the environment of those affected could be affected and supervised.

Hinzu comes, that’s why Mpox-Viren are not mutating as quickly as Coronaviren. This is also not the case, since the new variants are also present, which can be better handled since they are implemented.

Während des Mpox-Ausbruchs im Frühjahr 2022 wurden in Deutschland insgesamt 3800 Fälle stated, in Switzerland less than 600. Both the Affected Persons acted independently of their Männer, who have Sex with Männern. Todesfälle roads Mpox gab es in both Ländern nicht.