
Lange Schlangestehen für de Geschmack Japanese

Lange Schlangestehen für de Geschmack Japanese

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Lange Schlangestehen für de Geschmack Japanese
Selbst am Samstagabend muss man noch etwas Patience mitbringen, will man etwas zum Essen haben. Kein Wunder, the gastronomes conclude with fresh fresh dishes or fresh or süßem Essen. © Fitzenberger

The Büsingpark is located next to the two Offenbacher Auflage des Japanfestivals Main Matsuri. The visitors are perhaps from tradition and pop culture.

Offenbach – Zum zweiten Mal heißt es am Wochenende „irraishaimasen“, also hereafter Willkommen auf Japanese. It has been a year since the Main Matsuri has been in one of those little things in the Büsing Park. During the Sanierung des Büsingpalais, Workshops and Artist Alley were opened – and so Japan fans flocked to Stadtbücherei and Rathaus and her.

In particular, the belief that high weather is the snow ice, Kakigori has emerged.
In particular, the belief that high weather is the snow ice, Kakigori has emerged. © Fitzenberger, Yvonne

Large Besuchermengen im Büsingpark at Main Matsuri Japan Festival in Offenbach

If you are looking for a summary in the Büsingpark: If you go to Essen or Trinken, it will happen once perhaps – and the best is a Sonnenbescherming. More Platz is offered in the Artist Alley, the stock of the city bookstore was versteckt.

“There is a Freitag that has financed a fund,” reports one of the Ausstellerinnen. “It is a miracle that the work comes out of the closet. It is so good that Saturday is so good.” When the Veranstalter of the Japan festivals received the criticism of Herzen and painted more for more Zulauf.

Shamisen-Klänge meets with Tanz beim Auftritt von Senyumeiji Nishikawa (left) and Mana Yoshinaga.
Shamisen-Klänge meets with Tanz beim Auftritt von Senyumeiji Nishikawa (left) and Mana Yoshinaga. © Fitzenberger, Yvonne

Offenbacher Cosplayerin wetbewerb dabei

For the two outdoor parties and sitzen Art and Music enthusiasts and enjoy visiting with Taiko-Trommlern, Tänzern or Sängern. You are participating in this year’s “Cosplay Contests” – you are a pro Veranstaltungstag. Among others, the Nähmaschinenhersteller Brothers sponsored Wettbewerb am Samstag, and Frederieke Tolhuizen teilnimmt.

This is not the first Wettkampf for the 31-year-old Offenbacherin. I would like to see an end to the „Extreme Cosplay Gatherings“ – an international wettbewerb, the final of the Japan Expo in Paris is announced. If this Auftritt the Zuschauer goes on the Main Matsuri.

Frederieke Tolhuizen acts as Bösewicht Emperor Belos from “The Owl House” in Cosplaywettbewerb an.
Frederieke Tolhuizen acts as Bösewicht Emperor Belos from “The Owl House” in Cosplaywettbewerb an. © Fitzenberger, Yvonne

Spaß to be creative

Do you want to know what it is? “I can have fun, sliding into a role”, explains the artist, who is known for being “starry” in the cosplay scene under the name. This is the work and the cosplays – where you can find your characters and figures if you want to use your own make-up – go for fascination and spa for your hobby.

Creativity escapes in the Auftritte, for the Cosplayer everything can be done by himself. Tolhuizen wants to get a number of opponents from the series “The Owl House” from the series “The Owl House” and speak a monologue, which then appears on stage. “Das macht an Auftritten so viel Spaß”, concretet die 31-janige. So I come to the “Speel” at the Kostümspiel zur Geltung, that is my son.

Anica Schalow (right) has been commissioned to create an end
Anica Schalow (right) was commissioned to use a © in a kimono made of schlüpfen.

Wear Kimono once by yourself

There is no pop culture that appeals to traditional traditions. So for example at the stand “Kimono Dream” by Anica and Ina Schalow from Düsseldorf. They have made a selection photo of Kimono and Yukata collection. “We have more than 140 pieces”, explains Anica Schalow. If a woman addresses a woman, in one of the kimonos – make sure she – and then a professional photo of her beauty.

“I hate a cosplay with another kimono, which may play another role,” said Anica Schalow, who came up with the idea. It is a fact that it is a controversial Wissen, that is not the case now. In Düsseldorf you can use your kunden-kimono and have a photo shoot in the Japanese garden, provided you take pictures. When it went so well, the man considers the young woman, the Anica Schalow a little and a part of the wisdom. (Yvonne Fitzenberger)