
MÄRKTE ASIEN/Chinese Börsen freundlich – Gewinnmitnahmen in Tokyo | 19.08.24

MÄRKTE ASIEN/Chinese Börsen freundlich – Gewinnmitnahmen in Tokyo | 19.08.24

By Steffen Gosenheimer

TOKYO/HONG KONG (Dow Jones) — A friendly relationship with the Chinese people in Shanghai and Hong Kong in Japan and South Korea. Der Tokyoter Nikkei-225-Index gibt nach dem fast 9-prozentigen Anstieg in der Vorwoche um 0,8 Prozent nach 37,741 Punke. In Seoul the Kospi um 0.3 Prozent zurück. Both of them went on to have a trading internship in Folge now in Bergauf. It is clear that the environment for action is favorable after the good use of US-Konjunkturdaten bei gleichzeitig anhaltenden Zinssenkungserwartungen.

In Hong Kong, it is daily around 1.1 days to be more powerful, while the Shanghai Composite is long lasting. Gut behauptet lautet die Tendenz in Sydney. And the Chinese Financial Markets are the characteristics of the Chinese Nutbank, which are associated with their feelings. We can see more information about the context of China and the speculations that can be found here.

Neben Gewinnmitnahmen orgt in Tokyo der wieder anziehende Yen für einen Bremser. There will be an increase of 146.44 to your dollar, while there will be an additional charge of 148.80. These beautiful moments have been accomplished during the yearly Notenbanker Symposium in Jackson Hole. It begins at Donnerstag and can be new signals about the possible meanings of the US Notenbank love in a later time, in the Japanese Notenbank gerade started that, ihren moneypolitischen Kurs zu punish. Händler sehen die actuelle Yen-Stärke als Folge nach Japan zurückfließender Auslandsgewinne japanischer Unternehmen.

Both of us lived alone in Sydney Ampol about 4 days later. That refinement has been done with dividends. The Versicherer Suncorp teilte dagegen mit, den Großteil seines jüngsten 4.1 Billiarden Austral-Dollar hohen Erlöses from dem Verkauf von Aktivitäten an die Aktionäre zurückgeben zu wollen. Der Kurs rises at 2.2 Prozent.


Index (Börse) jijetzt +/- % % YTD Ende

S&P/ASX 200 (Sydney) 7,984.20 +0.2% +5.2% 08:00

Nikkei-225 (Tokyo) 37,741.59 -0.8% +13.7% 08:00

Kospi (Seoul) 2,688.64 -0.3% +1.3% 08:00

Shanghai Comp. 2,894.57 +0.5% -2.7% 09:00

Hang-Seng (Hongk.) 17,614.62 +1.1% +2.2% 10:00

Straits-Times (Sing.) 3,353.33 +0.0% +3.5% 11:00

KLCI (Malaysia) 1,641.73 +1.1% +11.6% 11:00

DEVISEN Zuletzt +/- % 00:00 Fr, 9:24 % YTD

EUR/USD 1.1039 +0.1% 1.1026 1.0982 -0.1%

EUR/JPY 161.38 -0.9% 162.83 163.61 +3.7%

EUR/GBP 0.8521 +0.0% 0.8520 0.8527 -1.8%

GBP/USD 1.2955 +0.1% 1.2943 1.2879 +1.8%

USD/JPY 146.11 -1.1% 147.67 148.97 +3.7%

USD/KRW 1,350.92 -1.1% 1,350.92 1,358.96 +4.1%

USD/CNY 7.1309 -0.1% 7.1309 7.1387 +0.4%

USD/CNH 7.1421 -0.3% 7.1622 7.1781 +2.0%

USD/HKD 7.7913 -0.0% 7.7944 7.7933 -0.2%

AUD/USD 0.6690 +0.3% 0.6667 0.6632 -1.7%

NZD/USD 0.6084 +0.6% 0.6048 0.6018 -3.7%


BTC/USD 58,613.60 -1.4% 59,431.70 58,391.00 +34.6%

ROHÖL jijetzt VT-Settlem. +/- % +/- USD % YTD

WTI/Nymex 76.45 76.65 -0.3% -0.20 +7.2%

Brent/ICE 79.57 79.68 -0.1% -0.11 +5.6%

METALLE jijetzt Vortag +/- % +/- USD % YTD

Gold (Spot) 2,502.22 2,507.63 -0.2% -5.41 +21.3%

Silver (Spot) 28.99 29.04 -0.2% -0.05 +21.9%

Platinum (Spot) 956.97 958.40 -0.1% -1.43 -3.5%

Kupfer-Future 4.18 4.14 +0.8% +0.03 +5.9%

YTD bezogen auf Schlusskurs des Vortags


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 19, 2024 00:41 ET (04:41 GMT)