
Horoskop: 19. to 25. August – Auf Zwillinge will be returning to Turbulensen zu. Skorpione brauchen take a break

Horoskop: 19. to 25. August – Auf Zwillinge will be returning to Turbulensen zu. Skorpione brauchen take a break

Would you like to know what the star is in Liebesdingen, in Beruf and in Sachen Gesundheit für Sie stehen? Unser Wochenhoroskop verrät, was Sie vom 19. bis 25. August erwartet und welche Entscheidung Sie weiterbringen kann.

Widder (March 21 to April 20)

Love: It is another white and a schmerzliche inheritance, which Liebe kein Zustand standard Wonne ist. Lenken Sie sich ab!

profession: See düstere Stimmung in Job. If you are tolerant, you don’t have to worry. Prepare yourself for life.

Health: Slightly depressed Verstimmungen und wenig Antriebskraft schwächen Sie. Wichtig: Gehen Sie fell among decent people.

Time for another person

Taurus (April 21 to May 20)

Love: Versuchen Sie harmonische Verhältnisse rezustellen. Darum sollten Sie Ihr Liebesglück nicht vom Alltag anknabbern lassen.

profession: Tragen Sie es mit Fassung, when my plan was successful. Machtspiele am Arbeitsplatz can be very simple.

Health: It was powerful and extremely effective sollten I was able to take time for myself and avoid a film or book.

Zwillinge (May 21 to June 21)

Love: Die Sterne lassen Ihnen keine ruhige Minute more. Ausgezeichnet! Think of the hassle-free turbo lenses you can use.

profession: With small actions and maybe even just a few things you can do, faith is on the top and the top on the work place.

Health: If you use a Kraftpaket, it is packed using endurance, power bombs and energy disks. Another wish?

Krebs (June 22 to July 22)

Love: De Tage sind deutlich von aufregenden new begegnungen gekennzeichnet. The Dauerbrenner may be in it.

profession: Die Sterne unterstützen Ihr Beitsleben with geballter Sternenkraft. You can use the fortschritte.

Health: If you do not ventilate on a trim-tight path and it is the right choice. You save yourself unnecessary hassle.

Löwe (July 23 to August 23)

Love: If you want to use the Wahl: you can play your feeling while playing a good game, or when you play an exciting movie and an exciting game.

profession: My job was aimed at stabilizing and expanding. Schlagen Sie dabei keine Hand aus, die bietet.

Health: Enjoy your stay during your stay. Donate Sie Ihrem Organismus lovely Aufmerksamkeit – Erlebnisbad, Sauna!

Jungfrau (August 24 to September 23)

Love: Die Ungebundenen have tolle Aussichten, Ihr Herz zu verschenken. Venus stopped a reihe flight before her parat.

profession: The stabilizing Saturn ensures safe operation in the turmoil. You can manage a swift change.

Health: Jupiter gives you happiness and good luck. You have humor and can get the best out of things. A super condition!

Waage (September 24 to October 23)

Love: Wünsche erüllen sich, all secret. You can treat your partner with the little Finger Wickeln. Small Turbo lenses in Wochenende.

profession: Good Neuigkeiten fachen Ihren Ehrgeiz an. Everything is possible in Geschäftsabschlüssen: Frisch has won.

Health: Sie fühlen sich wohl in Ihrer Haut and Strahlen vor Lebenskraft. Suppose your Angewohnheiten is a problem.

Skorpion (October 24 to November 22)

Love: The power points in the workplace change. It is always the case that you can use a stationary and flexible workplace.

profession: Greifen Sie nicht gleich zu, sondern vergleichen Sie in Ruhe alle Angebote. Not everything is less good than a machine.

Health: If you make a bad impression, there is no image pleasure for risks. Planloser Kräfteverschleiß is harmful.

Schütze (November 23 to December 21)

Love: If you see an inexperienced climber, you can block the road in the Liebesglück. Welding is according to my instincts.

profession: I am always satisfied with my job. If he was brutal, the Sachlage would become barren.

Health: Strengthen your natural defense forces. There are small soulful settings, a new Kraft-kraft that you can use.

Steinbock (December 22 to January 20)

Love: Singles did not become swingers that day, the brains of the other heavy rascals they brought.

profession: Ihr altes System hat sich seehr gut bewährt. Try to understand the new idea of ​​others.

Health: I have a huge energy thank you to Mars. Durch Maßhalten können Sie een kleineen Einbruch am Dienstag überbrücken.

Wassermann (January 21 to February 19)

Love: Venus takes her from you – a brilliant Fügung! Make sure your sins are as lustful and enjoyable as possible.

profession: Diese Woche läuft Ihnen der Erfolg im Beruf behindher. You can make your choice from the trade in Zuversicht. Zeigen Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten.

Health: A time full of positive tendencies. If you have found Kraft, you can find a catalogue of Wishes in the Tat conversion.

Fische (February 20 to March 20)

Love: If a lying inspiration hangs up a kind of TIEFpunkt, it is important that you withdraw. To a stretch always hear two.

profession: A large portion that cannot be prepared. Welding Sie sich in beruflichen Fragen keine voreiligen Entschlüsse abringen.

Health: It can cause an infection. Wed since we were busy? Sie müssen in der kommenden Woche auf seich een.

Everything about Horoscopes can be found here.