
Mois erfährt Hotel-Verweis und verliert de Fassung an der Rezeption

Mois erfährt Hotel-Verweis und verliert de Fassung an der Rezeption

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Mois erfährt Hotel-Verweis und verliert de Fassung an der Rezeption
Mois was acquired from the hotel and moved to the reception © Instagram: Juliuszois

Ex-YouTuber Mois is active in Austria. If there is a problem with the Präsidenten-Suite ausgeschlossen, this is a hotel reservation with control.

Hamburg – Ex-YouTuber and Skandal-Rapper Mois has chosen the time for zhlreiche Schlagzeilen. Ehe-Drama, Ärger mit der Polizei, Beef mit Rappern and much more. Now that you have found a nice funny video on TikTok, in the time that you are working with the hotel-computer discussion, this is one of the hotel rooms that you can use.

Here you can watch the video of the hotel:

Room movies can be a very successful discussion with the hotel reservation

That’s passion: The video said an exit in an Austrian hotel. The room movie may be good, but there are many reviews about the hotel rooms, but they are a hotel room that has been flown. There can be more people staying at the hotel and make the reservation if they do a check in the hotel.

There is a solution, the two Damen seine Situation zu clarified: “I will Ruhe meine. My ex is gone, my children were taken away. I’ll just chill and make some music, okay?’ . Then it is possible to have a personal relationship with each other. There is a version of the message that no one was aware of Mois Aufenthalt. Daraufhin behauptete Mois, dass “irgendwelche Araber-Großfamilien” in Hotel Angerufen Hätten. If you want to know, look in your hotel and see if you know.

Lauter en fast schon verzweifelt sagte er: “I have many other types of people, including one President’s suite.”

Mois dries dem Hotel mit schlechten Bewertungen

I continue with the consequences: “Ich zeige euch, wie fell 1-Sterne-Bewertungen ich in a night schaffe”, said the Skandal-Rapper. “Aber das is een Drohung, dass muss ja nicht sein”, ist von der Rezeption zu hören. Although this is not the case, it is not the case that the Zimmer pilot’s flight is now a Fremder flight. Kurz darauf is the video ausschnitt leader of Ende.

Zuletzt geriet Mois in an öffentlichen Streit with the Düsseldorfer Rapper Farid Bang. Dieser ließ Mois zületzt eine grußzügige spende zukommen: Mois erhält 1,000 € von Farid Bang für seinen Kochstream on TikTok.