
Bad Nachrichten aus der Wirtschaft: Retail, Industry and Export Business

Bad Nachrichten aus der Wirtschaft: Retail, Industry and Export Business

Bad Nachrichten aus der Wirtschaft: Retail, Industry and Export Business
Das Symbolbild says Container

Cologne | “It’s the economy, stupid!”, the war of Bill Clinton’s Wahlkampfspruch in the 1992 presidential election. This is now the case with the Wirtschaft für Deutschland: for individual trade, industry and the export economy.

Den Satz advocates for Clinton’s Wahlstrategist James Carville in the Wahlkampfzentrale of the Democrats in Little Rock. The Satz file in the Urform in three words: “The economy, stupid” and the internal nature of the team thought, so Carville wrote three sate on a shield on which the Wahlhelfer could be solved:
• Change versus more of the same
• The economy, stupid
• Don’t forget health care
The internal team would have the most weighty Botschaft checks in Clinton’s Wahlkampf.

Since the Economic Reports are coming tomorrow in Germany:

Geschäftsklima im Einzelhandel deutlich deteriorated

Business in Germany may worsen in July. It is a fact that the Montag is reforming the Umfrage des Ifo-Instituts.

The indicator sank to -25.4 points, from -19.5 in June. The Einzelhändler service is carried out with an active Geschäftslage Deutsche Zurückhaltender. There are problems for next month. “Eine deutliche Belebung der Geschäfte im Einzelhandel in de Zweiten Jahreshälfte wird damit unwahrscheinlicher,” said Ifo expert Patrick Höppner.

Einzelhändler mit Fahrrädern, Elektrotechniek und electronic Haushaltsgeräten anyway Drogeriemärkte messages from a non-unstigen Entwicklung ihres Geschäfts. Auch der Lebensmitteleinzelhandel und de Verkäufer von Autos were weniger zufrieden. Verkäufer von Fahrrädern, Bekleidung, Möbeln und Einrichtungsgegenständen schätzen ihre Geschäftslage as under the long term ein.

For the second quarter of 2024, 54.1 products from the lone handler have become unused nachfrage. There are 46.2 percent of the products that you can find in the Geschäfte. The Fachkräftemangel spürten 32.1 Prozent. “Fachkräfte fehlen, as wenn the single handler spends time with his own personal care plans,” said Höppner. Finanzierungsschwierigkeiten reported 6.1 Prozent der Singlehändler.

The Auftragsfile der Industrie has sunk

The real Auftragsbestand in Verlabourden-Gewerbe in Deutschland is in June 2024 gegenüber May seasonal and calendar prepared a 0.2 Percent sunk. The overview of the previous calendar file is 6.2 percent lower than the Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) that you can use when compiling the calendar.

Zum Rückgang must be especially the Entwicklung im weightige Maschinenbau (seasonal and calendar preparation -0.9 Percent zum Vormonat). The Auftragsfile in the Automobilindustrie field is 0.7 Prozent and went here in 17. Monat in Folge zurück. Positive on the Auftragsfile will be hinges of the Anstieg in Sonstigen Fahrzeugbau (Flugzeuge, Schiffe, Züge: +1.7 Prozent) aus.

The dismantling of the inland in June has started at 0.6 percent, the stock has sunk at 0.7 percent in the inland. In the restoration of the investment results, the Auftragsbestand is shown with a value of 0.1 percent. The area of ​​​​the Vorleistungsgüter field is a 0.6 percent and in the area of ​​​​the consumer goods a 1.2 percent.

The kingdom of the Auftrags constituents will be unexplained in June by 7.2 months in the Vergleich zum Mai, so the statistics will continue. Sowohl at the Herstellern of Investitionsgütern as with the Herstellern of Vorleistungsgütern and the Herstellern of Konsumgütern blieb sie jewelen constant at 9.7 beziehungsweise 4.1 and 3.5 Monaten.

Deutsche Exporte im ersten Halbjahr deutlich sunk

German exports have sunk by 1.6 percent to 801.7 billion euros since 2024 in the previous century. This is according to the Federal Statistical Office on Monday with.

After Germany imported, it would make a purchase in the first years of the month of 2024 in the value of 662.8 billion euros. There were 6.2 percent less than in the first half year of 2023. The foreign trade balance was at +138.8 billion euros in the first half year and fell 28.7 percent higher than in the previous year (+107.9 billion euros).

The largest export goods in Germany were Kraftfahrzeuge and Kraftfahrzeugteile with a value of 135.3 billion euros. Considering the first half year of 2023, the Kfz-Exporte sank a 2.4 Prozent. A few layers of machines with a value of 109.6 billion euros (-4.4 per year). In the export of chemicals, it said that it was a good picture: During the first half year 2023, neither were the value of 75.1 billion euros exported, nor were they in the first half of the year 71.8 billion euros. The graft was made on a back of 4.4 Prozent.

The most important Importgüter Deutschlands were Kraftwagen and Kraftwagenteile with 73.0 Billion Euro (-4.2 Prozent) sowie Datenverarbeitungsgeräte with 64.3 Billion Euro (-9.8 Prozent).

The major export products sold in the trade with Kraftwagen and Kraftwagenteilen with 62.3 billion euros, are sold by machines with 59.7 billion euros. You are welcome to trade with Erdöl and Erdgas beziehungsweise both the Erzeugnissen der Landwirtschaft deutlich more Waren imports as well as exports. Here the import überschuss 32.5 beziehungsweise costs 13.9 billion euros.

Who lived in the Vorjahren were first half year 2024 the United States and the most important German states, so that the Federal Office more. Were worth 80.7 billion euros to Germany in the USA. There are two and three beds in the export countries of Germany, France (62.4 billion euros) and the Netherlands (57.6 billion euros).

Nach Deutschland will import the most wars in the first years of 2024 from China (73.5 billion euros). There are two and three of the largest German Lieferländer in the Netherlands (49.6 billion euros) and the USA (46.0 billion euros).

The high export margin saw Germany increase in trade with the United States (34.7 billion euros), France (27.5 billion euros) and the United Kingdom (23.0 billion euros) in the first half of 2024. In China, more import and export products are offered daily. For the country that imports the import trade in half year 2024 of 25.3 billion euros.

Im Berichtsmonat June 2024, Deutschland insgesamt Waren im Wert von 129,8 Billiarden Euro, dies entspricht einem Rückgang um 8,2 Prozent zum June 2023. Nach Deutschland importiert wurden Waren im Wert von 107,6 Billiarden Euro (-9,2 Billion Euro (-9,2 Billion Euro) Vorjahresmonat).

With materials from the subsequent agency