
Critical satellite infrastructure is being built in Africa

Critical satellite infrastructure is being built in Africa

The first time that a company of Empfangsstation uses the data transmission of the next generation of geostationary Meteosat satellites that are engaged in the development of the projects PUMA 2025 in Nairobi, Kenya, is installed. This Empfangsstation will be sure that Kenyan Meteorologists use the high and active data of the meteorological satellites of the controlled generation (MTG), one of the lasting entities of local population of support and life and living foundations of protection.

EUMETSAT has enlisted the support of the African Union Commission, in the coming Monaten and Netz ähnlicher Stationen for more national Weather and Climate services on the gesamten Continental einzurichten. In the last years MTG data will come on the market with the new technology of meteorology and science.

The Meteosat satellite of the EUMETSAT is a unique Earth observation satellite, Africa is in the background. The MTG satellite system has no more pictures of Africa, but it is only 10 minutes longer.

“The African Union and EUMETSAT have organised a meeting in 2022 which has provided a good infrastructure, a MTG data in Africa which is useful,” said Phil Evans, Director General of EUMETSAT. “The Meilenstein, where there is a real insight, the connection between the satellites of the satellites across the continent and ermöglicht emerged from extreme laws and a better protection for all by an efficient warning system.”

In the Rahmen of PUMA-Projekts (Preparation for Use of Meteosat in Africa) 20 years ago, in February 2004, the first PUMA-Station for the Empfang of MSG-Satellitendaten (Meteosat Second Generation) was installed. Thanks to the change of the EU funding program in Africa (with PUMA, AMESD, MESA) that supports the infrastructure of the African Weather and Climate Services on the whole continent, dates of the geostationary Meteosat Satellite time and efficiency of empfangen, an extreme Wetterereignisse last century and überwachen. With the active installations the infrastructure for the MTG satellite system is being worked on. A large amount of benefits from the satellite technology that we see and that war to help us, were entsprechende Schulungen angeboten.

The next installation is a station in Cotonou, Benin, where the 16th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa will be held. African meteorology and meteorologists use a platform for Australian science and practice to use meteorological data and to discuss early warning system communications.

Experience more about the history of EUMETSAT dates in Kenya.

EUMETSAT, the European agent for meteorological satellites, überwacht Wetter und Klima vom Weltraum aus. EUMETSAT with Sitz in Darmstadt presented 30 meteorological images and data of the state, which provide a useful benefit for the security of living people and their Schutz-critical Sectors of Volkswirtschaften.

The 30 Member States of EUMETSAT are: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Island, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Rumänien, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slowenien, Spain, the Czech Republic, Türkiye, Ungarn and the Vereinigte Königreich.