
Police at Frankfurt Airport: 82-year-old police officers

Police at Frankfurt Airport: 82-year-old police officers

Frau in der Nähe des Frankfurter Flughafens in Gleis – die Umstand hat de Bundespolizei auf de Plan gerufen. Der Bahnverkehr geriet aus dem Takt.

An 82-year-old woman was on Donnerstag (15 August) in the near future of the Frankfurter Flughafen in the Gleisen sight. This is the case at the Haltestellen Frankfurt/Main Flughafen Regionalbahnhof and Gateway-Garden. So the Federal Police will sound the alarm. Kurz darauf wurden die Gleise für den Zugverkehr Sperrt. This was reported by the Federal Police Inspectorate Frankfurt am Main am Montag.

Indulgently, the Bundespolizei finds the real woman who stays in the S-Bahn tunnel and gets her life out of the Gleisbereich. The bundles are ready to reach a ​​​​zunächst orienteering of the lady.

The 82-year-old could be brought back into a fast state, it is said. If you venture into your journey, you dare not.

The time that the races are performed is a period of 19 minutes in which the cares in the railway traffic are performed. There is a problem with a leakage of 49 minutes.