
Blumen, die Katzen aussehen: Frecher Betrug mit KI-Bildern

Blumen, die Katzen aussehen: Frecher Betrug mit KI-Bildern

The Fact Check Platform Mimikama warns against sogenannten “Cat’s Eyes-Flowers“ and “Panda Face Flowers“, I’m sold on the internet. Trading is done with an AI-generated photo of Plants with Cat Heads.

For the purchase offers were made up together for the fake ads on the website, the re-impression is still a contact ad. It takes a while with a higher probability um Fake shops act. Solche Shops führen Menschen absichtlich in de Irre, a flow of money from the Taschen zu jijhen.

➤ Read more: GPT-4 is a trauma for hacker

With Fake-Katzenpflanzen versuchen Betrüger derzeit, Geld zu machen.

Easily Recognizable AI Fakes

Laut Mimikama sees the old boats relatively speaking as KI-Fakes comes out: Etwa were the cats during this hour perfectly symmetrical display unnatural. Take a look at the Pflanzen too imaginative and many details can be found when thinking about forgeries. This is a matter of doing Testing with a tool Said, the Pflanzen with a Wahrscheinlichkeit von bis zu 81 Prozent KI-generiert since.

These flowers look like Panda Head Fairy

Chinese domains

The fake shops with the cat flowers can sell more paint and identical jewelry. Dazu thinks there is a bad rating, positive ratings on the page. Die Names of shops vary, but the Logos ähneln is grim. Please refer to the text for additional information.

Fake websites, the only products offered are and so on,, A WHOIS-Abfrage von Mimikama ergab, dass die Domains in China registered. The duration is for the bet under the hardest, rightful steps to be taken.

AI-Bilder can see that it produces a real result.