
Here you will find youthful fantasy films about Elves and Zwerge

Here you will find youthful fantasy films about Elves and Zwerge

Surrounded by large trees, a group of youthful mittens stands in the forest near Grimme (Uckermark). You have buddies, headphones and a large directional microphone. Three boys stand above the roadside. If you have a white shirt, look at Ohren and one of a long coat. All that is on your screen.

Keine festen Rollen – alle wechseln themselves ab

“Sind die Kameras an?”, Fragment Werkstattleiter Maximillian Gerbhardt. “Kamera läuft,” replies Kasimir and Lewis in Chor and begins to reach his position. “Szene drei, eins – Take eins,” Basia gushes, claps the film and changes the wind from the screen. “Bereit und bitte”, says Director Malak in his Schauspieler. The elves begin to go wild and die.

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At the film holiday camps Fuso 24 – Magic Moments, by the Verein Nave Randow, a fantasy film was organized. The film trade of a conflict between Elves and Dwarves, says Julia from Ueckermünde. The Dwarves who lived in the forest during his Abholzung, had not fallen for the Elves. Those living in the forest, the forest creatures seek the conflict between Elves and Dwarves to be broken and to protect the forest from more harm, the young Ueckermünderin realizes, without much to betray.

A movie clap is made by professional recordings of film sets, with the room and the microphone.

A movie clap is made by professional recordings of film sets, with the room and the microphone. (Photo: Dominicus Schmidt)

Julia is also a second time at the film holiday camp. In the scene she drives the clap book. If you have a film installed on the film set Then assume that you know that the youth of the youth has installed the following film.

All you have to do is not solve the problem. “Wir wechseln uns ab”, erklärt die 15-Jährige. In a späteren it is a matter of the room and playing a game. You can also try different roles on a film set.

The costs are for the youth costs

Angeleitet was the youth of the two film professionals Maximillian Gerbhardt and Marian Hofmann. Both have 24 years ago made another big production for Netflix, Amazon Prime and Apple TV. “We try to get a little involved”, said Maximillian Gerbhardt. The cast member could not use the time and the technology and did not try out more.

Sieben Stunden am Tag is the Jugendlichen Zeit, a film made by Susanne Völlm, the Vorstende des Vereins Nave Randow from Blankensee. The association that organizes the Ferienlager has its destination Mal. In the years before, the film work statts dreamed as workshop statt gefunden. Insgesamt nehmen 15 Mädchen und Jungen im Alter von 12 tot 18 Jahren aus der Uecker-Randow-Region, der Uckermark und auch aus Berlin daran teil.

Play, film, cut and show – all from 14 to 24 August itself. The story is to be developed in advance in a five-person workshop, says Völlm. When using wireless devices, you can use professional cameras, microphones and a cutting computer. The technology is for the youth by the cost of the financing. The waiting time of the holiday camp will be in Zelt übernachtet.

Zwischen de verschiedenen Takes besprechen die Teilnehmer, was sie verssernern können.

Zwischen de verschiedenen Takes besprechen die Teilnehmer, was sie verssernern können. (Photo: Dominicus Schmidt )

Work hard to achieve the youthful Spa

Bei den Jugendlichen kommt die Filmferienzeit gut an. Tobi aus Pasewalk ist ebenfalls schon zum Zweiten Mal with dabei. “I am here, we have fallen in Spaß’s power”, erklärt der 12-Jährige. The person with that thing is Kasimir from Rothenklempenow. Since 2020, there is a lot of fun, we used to enjoy the film camp and there is a Spaß mache. Zudem wolle is a job in the direction of the direction. Lewis from Trampe near Brüssow will come to Filmwerkstatt in 2021. I have fallen from schauspielern and got a hint of the room, sagt er.

Spitze Ears and Long Mantel are heard in a film about elves natural dazu.

Spitze Ears and Long Mantel are heard in a film about elves natural dazu. (Photo: Dominicus Schmidt)

It is not that films are a film that are not so simple, brands that are young of the most recent films. A few people Simsons through life and the beating of the Dreharbeiten in the rough forest. We can park a car in the background. But also text hangers of the play listen to the film drive. Take for Take and Klappe for Klappe drive the youth their first scene in different camera settings so long, until they are so fririeden sind.

Film series in Brüssow vorgestellt

That’s one more thing Takes benötige, sei natural normal, sagt Werkstattleiter Marian Hofmann. Während einfache Dialogue in three to four Takes im Kasten seien, können major Szenen auch bis zu 15 Takes benötigen, erklärt Maximillian Gebhardt. Draußen were after the Worten des Film-Profis meistens anyway more Takes benötigt as drinnen. Genug Zeit is the Jugendlichen jedoch. Watch four films and three films before the film, says Marian Hofmann. Danach soll der Film fertig sein.

Who of the fruitful films appears, appears in Zuschauer am Sonnabend, 24. August, in Kulturhaus Kino Brüssow herausfinden. The presentation of the films started at 15:00. The entrance is free.